Survival Reworked as Tank

Actually, surprisingly yes. Remember, we do not have to pay anything to get the healing other then selecting the pet. Shaman must actively use resources (maelstrom and mana) to heal themselves or others. It doesn’t come through as much for burst healing but most certainly does add up especially when the survival hunter is consistently dealing damage.

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Don’t like a lot of what you said but this is great.

Make mastery healing a wee bit better.

Make turtle better (for all hunters).

Make Mending Bandage baseline and a talent to change it from a channel to a HoT.

Give us more mobility (okay, just kidding lulz).

I’d be pretty happy. Though I really only PvP and this spec was designed for PvP. It’s bee-yoo-tee-full.

You said that “Healing benefits from Vers” but you know the damage SV does also benefits from Vers? The Leech stat is always active. Outside of Guidance, Shaman has to either spend time and mana casting their heal or waste Maelstrom on the heal.

That’s actually good that you gain a better resolution of me. And I’m not blowing smoke up for it because “if you can’t beat them, join them”.

We can’t beat hybrids 1v1? Might as well come on over…

Well, Leech is going to be 10% off the entire damage resolution, yes. But Shaman gets the improvement from Earth Shield, their healing, and their damage. So better absorbs, better healing, better damage, and better damage reduction. What do Hunters get? Better damage and better damage reduction. Shaman, 4, Hunter, 2. Also, the Leech stat is active as long as the pet’s alive. Better make sure the pet is ok…

Warlock>Mage=Rogue>Hunter has been the pecking order of the pures. Why not trade out being the low man on that totem pole?

Pets are not targeted by mechanics in PvE and 99% of the time are unkillable in group content.

Can you reword this? It doesn’t make sense—“their damage” seems a bit meaningless here in this context. Earth Shield is also not an absorb, it’s a pittance heal when they receive damage.

You also completely ignored what I said that they have to spend their limited mana pool to heal OR give up Maelstrom for healing, which means a lot less damage.

Not ignored, but took it for granted because that’s standard operating procedure for all healer hybrids. A lot less damage for a GOOD BIT of healing as opposed to a trickle from Leech. Not much unlike a Disc Priest, who can heal/absorb and do damage on the fly. But I’m going to stick with saying that the healing yield is going to be better from discrete healing abilities than 10% Leech on damage.

It’s only too bad Hunter can’t be a healer hybrid, but it can be a tank hybrid and that’s better than being a pure at this rate. Tanks will have a form of active miti and some self-healing which among the classes would GREATLY benefit SV…

It’s almost like we’re going full circle to me handing MSV on a silver platter all over again but in this thread.



“Organically grew via additive design”, if you say so. Ah, I nearly took offense to that statement, but then I re-read the “additive design” portion after I mistakenly assumed that you instead meant “original design”.

Which is an admission that RSV was but one of several iterative design paths available for development post Vanilla, and how VSV in terms of talents weren’t constrained to rDPS, but could have retained it’s defensive focus while expanding upon its own base contributive skillset in terms of mDPS skills, utility, traps, tracking, etc.

I think that we are beginning to understand one another.

Disclaimer: Soon, the tired and very old VSV vs RSV vs MSV argument will die as Survival will be replaced by TSV and perhaps later even HSV specializations (Tank and Healing, respectively.)

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The only way to go is up at this point, yea? We can finally close the book on the “MSV Sucksaga” and stow it on the shelf.

No, you can also go down. Look at current MM and arguably BM. SV is by far the most fun Hunter spec currently.

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That’s like asking mage to have tank spec.

Well dang, is the pit truly so bottomless? We’ve been in terminal velocity for years now.

As evidenced by the wealth of Hunters abandoning BM and MM in favour of SV

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I think this is not a good idea. People are still hating on a redesign where you stand in a different place to do the same role and you want to redesign for a completely different role? It doesn’t matter how non-meta and/or low representation the spec is, just don’t go there.

Blizzard should not even consider reworking any already-existing spec to change its role, ever again (and I include conventional DPS → support DPS in that, and after how SV’s rework was received, RDPS → MDPS or vice versa).

A fourth spec with a different role than the current specs could be a thing, but the barriers to a pet spec tanking would be large. If the pet tanks, positioning it would be awkward at best. The position of DPS pets is pretty much irrelevant, especially with their passive that reduces ground hazard damage (which btw a tanking pet could definitely not have without breaking fights), but when pets tank mobs that need to be positioned carefully it turns out terrible, like that rare in Nazjatar with the 90% dmg reduction field that actual tanks can learn to kite it out of.

But if the Hunter tanks with their own face so they can position the mob with their own movement, that doesn’t suit the class fantasy or their current toolkit and they would need another unique set of tank mechanics for a non-plate class with no shield. A few things from Vanilla SV that have been gone for 10+ years do not make a functioning tank spec in the age of active mitigation. And then what is the pet doing, if anything? The last thing the game’s premier pet class needs is another spec where your pet might as well not be there.

P.S. A fourth spec that attempts to recreate MoP SV for the people that still want it back could be worth looking into, if adding specs is a thing they’re willing to do now.


Survival becoming tank would be the best thing to happen to hunter in many years. No one wanted melee survival dps to begin with, and it would likely help get some fresh tanks out there. I would drop my war tank if I could tank as hunt.


It’s just some sort of weird meme because the specs name is Survival.

Here’s some good news for you: Ion said they won’t be doing this again.

I did, so the rest of your post is silly. We don’t need any more tanks, we have plenty of tanking specs. :slight_smile:

That’s like saying “oh well to get fresh healers out there we should make MM a healer spec”

You need to go back to clown college, your trolling is weak.

So saying SV → tank is a reasonable opinion, but someone saying MM → healer is a weak troll? Definitely checks out, makes a lot of sense.

Whenever I’m truly bored, I just come to the forums, find a thread about survival hunter, and just read, the sheer amount of salt survival generates in people could make the ocean seem like freshwater.

Hunter has a history of being the emergency offtank with pet tanking, misdirect, pet heals, etc. Even in current WoW hunters are perfectly capable of pet tanking M0 and lower content. The only reason they don’t is because blizzard changed pet functionality in dungeons in the past due to tanks complaining about hunters that didn’t disable taunt on their pet. Same was true of warlocks with blueberry - completely capable of tanking dungeons if blizzard had not removed the taunt/threat auto-cast capability in dungeons.

If you had ever played hunter in the past you would have known this - thus why your MM healing comment was pure trolling.