Survival needs to be reworked

Make beast Mastery into the melee dual wielding spec.

Change survival back into ranged but make it throwing weapons… every race could benefit off this, axes orcs- spears for trolls–glaive for night elves–kunai/shiruken for pandas-- blow dart for gnomes.

The spec should go either two ways from there… either it should be like how Zuljin is in heroes of the storm( a throwing ace high risk high reward hero) using your health to fuel your damage


Go full on tomb raider fighting survival should feel like you just walked into a tomb, snake traps , sleeping darts, nets… they should be able to throw a rock down WSG tunnel(the last point is an exaggeration)

We all know why survival is the least played spec because it feels uninspired like it doesn’t even more what it wants to be. Beast master not being melee was a mistake.


Just go back to late BC/Wrath survival. That was the last time it was fun.


Spec is perfectly fine. No change needed.


No, it’s because it’s melee, lol.


It has survived long enough. Kill it already.


:drum: badumpish


why does every ranged survival fan always whinge ~make bm the melee spec~ after they saw what it did to their own? Why take literally the most popular hunter spec and ruin it just because your favourite spec got trashed?

Maybe hunters just don’t need a melee spec at all?


This, just give it a damage tune up in single target and its golden


Or mayhaps survival is fun and fine design wise and they just need a damage buff and maybe some talents made baseline


It is because beast Mastery being melee or ranged hardly changes the class design like it did for survival… most BM spells literally come from your pet that’s melee, you being up there or 20 feet away makes no difference

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Ranged Survival isnt coming back, as every ranged survival thread deteriorates into a toxic cess pool of bickering.

Blizzard will never take the idea or the ones pitching it seriously, as they shouldn’t


You have never played BM in your life, I see LOL




I’d rather have options than being forced with a change, again. Hunters, yes, been fundamentally only ranged for so long until Survival changed. It’ll be bad changing it back now, especially when it has actually been GOOD in Shadowlands. It still sucks its not ranged but solutions is simply to make a talent that allows the ability to decide, change abilities to be either melee or ranged focused. It sure will be a balancing mess but it’ll be a first for ANY class to have their abilities change across the board to be oriented for range or melee.

Nah man, some of us started playing hunter for the class fantasy of a ranged character with a pet, like the dwarf hunter in the original vanilla cinematic, with a gun and a bear? that’s BM since day one.

iirc vanilla survival got a bunch of talents about wing clip and mongoose.


MSV never should have happened. If anything, BM portrays a melee hunter more than surv.

Surv needs to return ranged. Idc if they make a fourth spec or whatever. But don’t make them “throwing weapons,” that’s just… unrealistic.


Okay then you play marksmen… since most of those dwarven gunners are marksmen… a BM hunter is someone like Rexar; who has respect towards animal kind to the point they are a beast as well.

you know what i think it’s abundantly clear that you don’t play bm, and i don’t play survival, and i think we have very different ideas of what we want from the class and from our respective specs. that’s fine, it’d be a strange universe if we all agreed.


about as realistic as endless arrows in a bow… most archers in real life wouldnt carry more that 10 arrows.

lets not even talk about WoW guns… where in real life you’d really only fire an item like that maybe 3 times.

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Aren’t troll axe throwers like an iconic Warcraft unit?