Survival needs a ranged ability that uses focus

it would help so much with soothness of gameplay because while im on the outskirts i can use my focus ranged ability and use kill command to get it back. right now i use kill command as an opener of course and as a buff for raptor strike. this is nice dont get me wrong it just feels like a lot of waste when i have 100 focus and using kill command.

also can we have some leech or something. we are so squishy itd be nice to get some health back from some ability.

we have arcane shot :rofl:

Also we have aspect of the eagle for 15 seconds for 40 yard raptor strike.

And you can use a ferocity pet with leech and use mend pet on cd, that plus spirit bond should be enough.


Serpent Sting is a ranged ability that costs focus.
Open with serpent sting and wildfire bomb before you kill command or raptor strike.
Ferocity pets provide 10% leech. has a full list of all available pets and their powers, so find one that you like.

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Obviously there’s Aspect of the Eagle, but say you don’t think the ranged time is going to be long enough to want to blow that CD. If you’re using Tip of the Spear, you mitigate some of the range loss because in addition to refreshing and multi-dotting Serpent Sting and using Wildfire bomb, up to three charges of Kill Command will be buffing your next Raptor Strike. Also, if you have Bloodseeker, you can take the time to be multi-dotting the Kill Commands to stack bleeds.

There’s already really no other melee spec. in the game that suffers less from going to range than Survival.

MM and BM need melee abilities that cost focus!

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Actually it needs a melee ability that generates focus.


I feel like they should remove terms of engagement and put flaking strike on that row then we have 3 competitive options

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What we need is an animation overhaul. Make kill command a combinated strike between hunter and the pet if target is in melee range and keep it what it is if target is at range
Make serpent sting use lacerate animation from legion if used from melee

Animations are the least of our worries atm…

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The core gameplay (the most important thing) is there and it’s fine.

Numbers can be easily adjusted (if blizz just decided to do it)

Yes. Animations are the biggest of our worries

The core gameplay is clunky at best…

Says you.

The only thing you can call clunky is serpent sting in AoE. Everything else flows beautifully

No wilderness survival makes the rotation do the opposite of flow smoothly.



A spec that literally requires at least 30% haste to feel semi decent does NOT play smoothly.

Took over 70% haste with corruption baseline in bfa just to feel not clunky.

Idk what game you play. But animations are not the problem right now. Yikes.


You and I may be interpreting the word clunky in different ways. In what form is sv clunky/awkward/old fashioned?

I don’t think interpretation is the issue here. It is what it is.

Play any other melee minus arms warriors sub 20% haste as they generally feel better with rage regen at that point then come back and play MSV.

Since the redesign it’s always been known to feel clunky since BFA began. It’s really never not been clunky outside of the time when we had outrageous amounts of haste.

This also goes back to a discussion I had long ago where I made the statement that any spec that requires haste to be the main stat is generally not designed optimally. That is definitely up for debate, but MSV = clunky.

Tried it, liked sv more. Still don’t agree with you.

51 frost dk? Feels like dung, slow and boring
52 fury? Pretty good.
52 ret? Huge rotational gaps.
51 enh? Feels like I am hitting with wet noodles.
50 ungeared sv alt? Not bad, not great. But most certainly would not call it clunky

Legion sv with mok’nathal was clunky, but current sv? I’m really not seeing it.

EDIT NOTE: I have edited this waaaay to many times…

what SV really needs is for its pet abilities like kill command to not be tied to GCD. id like to raptor strike and kill command smoothly.

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Agree or not doesn’t change the fact that it’s clunky and requires haste as a main stat to make it not clunky. Kill command specifically is a major reason for how clunky it feels, along with the GCD.

I mean that’s just factually the way the spec has played for 2 expansions now. I can agree your feelings on other specs may be different. Those specs also don’t rely solely on haste to function, whether it plays “slower” or not. I also have all of those classes at 60 and above 200ilvl…

Which is where it should be tested. Not level 50 alts which mean nothing since this game is based on max level.