Gonna hard disagree chief. When there’s enough outcry, Blizz has a history of changing things.
Current SV has been wildly unpopular, even when it has been the best performing spec.
I don’t want SV to be removed or drastically changed like old SV was. But the current iteration doesn’t seem like it’s made for hunter players in mind. It’s not fun and it took away something tons of people loved.
The biggest reason in my mind to bring back an updated SV (give it a new name to fit the arcane archer / munitions expert themes) is the precedent set currently with MSV. Current precedent is, Blizzard can and will outright remove a spec if they decide they want to go forward with it for whatever reason. It doesn’t matter if they think it will be popular or not (by Ion’s own admission, they knew SV was going to be an unpopular niche spec). The very same thing can happen to MSV or any number of other long established specs.
That’s not a good precedent to have. Blizz should acknowledge that how they implemented the current version of SV was a mistake, and the best way to go about that is to bring back an updated version of old SV as a 4th spec. There’s merit behind wanting to fight up close and personal with your pet thematically, but the way they went about it will always leave current SV in the shadow of old SV until they rectify the situation.
Also this, it makes it incredibly difficult to take you seriously if you’re going to be also talking down on the other specs.