Survival melee?

nah they gave up on ranged surv in WoD beta. they couldn’t even come up with a damage cd and so SV just didn’t have one and then they officially killed the spec in HFC.

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It is pointless to talk about spec design while referring to any era prior to WotLK. Before then, the entire point of all 3 talent categories was to build upon the foundation of the core class design itself. The core was always the same no matter which category you went into.

Before WotLK, there wasn’t a paradigm of creating multiple defined core playstyles, like what we have today. They started to focus on that with WotLK, they went further with it in Cata when they added actual Core Specializations to all classes. Then they sort of took a step back on that front with MoP, and WoD as well, as they moved away from the philosophy of having talents that focused on your chosen spec, despite how they, before then, brought out many passives from the talent categories and reworked them into baseline effects.

The point with all this, is that if they had done the same thing to RSV, going into Legion, that they did to all other specs in the game, it would’ve been just as defined as the other specs are, based on modern philosophies.

And no, I’m not interested in any arguments made that are based on a reductionist mindset; “RSV and MM were the same because both focused on the ranged weapon”. Arguments like that, again, is like saying that all 3 rogue specs were the same because they were all based on hitting enemies with 2 small sticks, while popping in and out of stealth. If this is an argument someone makes, that person really have no clue what specializations are actually meant to be for our classes.


Not most players. That’s your and Bepples opinion. EU forums have not even close cry babies about melee hunters being ranged again how much US has. Yea SV hunter was a good spec, especially in pvp, now we have melee hunter and that’s it. Down the road maybe we get options trough talents to have hybrid melee/ranged like it was originally in vanilla. If you go full SV /BM that is

You really think Bepples knows WoW lore?

And to answer you short so you don’t have to listen same 4 or 5 troll contradicting everyone , it will stay melee but you will have more spells in ranged arsenal. Now how many will require ranged weapon and how many melee is not yet clear based only on talents.

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i said that warcraft had many melee hunters since war 3, he only knew about rexxar… he definitely is a newbie on lore.

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Don’t worry he will post a link from wiki or from som streamer who has similar opinion like him, and claim it as inevitable truth

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i became horde less than a month, im doing blood elf heritage quest and just learned that Lor’themar Theron is a survival hunter(melee) :slight_smile:

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ive never even activated my ranged specs on all four of my hunters, im a hardcore msurv stan
please dont assume i care for any of bepples opinions regarding restoring rsurv mate because i don’t
however i don’t agree with blizzard’s decision to completely eradicating a playstyle of a spec without putting it somewhere else for practically no real reason
but that’s arguably an entirely different issue due to legion as a whole just throwing away all class buildup to that point

100% true. There was no reason to change just like that. If they started since vanilla to push it towards melee and survivability. But I noticed that this discussion is only heated on US forum

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probably because eu forums are pretty dead from what i hear tbh

but it’s mostly a specific clade of hunters that have rallied a cause around it on the hunter forums and are overly aggressive and toxic to anyone saying they enjoyed the spec (as melee)
i imagine you already know who they are

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I do trust me. EU servers are not active like US servers where every minute there is a post. I Started to play on EU and played till half way BFA, then I created this US acocunt at started here. I still have EU account, matter of fact 2 accounts. I decided to take a pause right now since I’m not playing wow to much to justify 4 subscriptions. I played SV hunter extensively during MoP and WoD on EU, and it was a good spec, but far away being most popular. You have to be delusional to call it most popular.

Hello friend! :wave:


Sorry… Sorry, I got carried away there, please forgive me. :face_holding_back_tears: :white_flag:

:sunflower: :rainbow: :sunflower:

you okay buckeroo?

from the sounds of things they should’ve just:

a) moved rsv abilities to either or just bm/mm

b) made bm the melee spec

i’m surprised they didn’t go with the first option, i don’t imagine much of anybody besides maybe boomers sobbing and crying and threatening to unsub (an ultimately hollow threat as they’ve likely done so repeatedly in the past) about their faceroll spec being deleted

You literally argued that Maiev and Vol’jin are Hunters. Go look at what Warden and Witch Doctor in Warcraft 3 use and then come back and tell me that they’re representatives of Hunters at all let alone Survival.

You also used Tyrande to back up SV being melee when her iconic aspect is the ranged weapon.

The fact is none of the lore characters are good representatives of current melee Survival which mostly revolves around Wildfire Bomb. The closest is Rexxar and even he is singificantly different. The fact that you keep fixating on lore characters tells me your knowledge of the class is limited.

As for Lor’themar: one hand he casts Harpoon. On the other hand he casts Arcane Shot, Stealth, Cleave, Mana Burn, and Arcane Shock. So maybe this is just yet another example of how lore characters don’t fit neatly into any of the

You’ve had it directly demonstrated to you that it was the most popular Hunter spec on several occasions. You on the other hand haven’t shown a damn thing and just keep repeating “trust me bro I played it” even though you’re known for extremely dishonest behaviour on these forums in the past.

That’s what the breakdown looks like on a currently active MoP server, but please keep telling us that we have to be delusional to say it was the most popular.

Well one look at the most replied-to threads on the EU forums yields:

So it’s absolutely a hot-button issue on the EU forums just as it is here. The forums as a whole are less active but a LOT of the threads are about discontent with Survival.

It’s a little silly to pretend that this is some localised issue on these forums when it generates this sort of controversy everywhere and multiple popular WoW personalities including Preach and Liquid Max have come out saying melee Survival was a mistake.


As a EU player, seeing these arguments about how “on the EU forums, the topic of RSV vs MSV is not as heated as on the NA forums” and using that as some kind of measurement or tool to judge these NA forums is disingenuous.

Yes, there’s somewhat of a culture difference there, but you have the same arguments there, as on these forums. The difference is that, like has been stated, the EU forums are fairly dead in terms of activity. Why? Perception, and in some ways reality to. Communication from devs is much higher on NA forums, not just looking at “announcements/articles”. More recently, we see the newly added CC forum, requiring any EU players who’ve been selected to make characters so that they can post here(unless this have since changed).

You can also look at the number of topics/replies that popped up after the Rogue and Hunter articles were released. EU forums are at about 1/10 activity in general, in comparison. Again, not just regarding discussions about RSV vs MSV.

Heck, if you check the EU hunter subforum, you literally have a topic that was started no more than 6 days ago, about RSV vs MSV.


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you’ll have to tire of this eventually bepples

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Cute, you took so long to respond… your search must have been arduous.

Warcraft heroes are known to have traits of more than 1 class.

Tyrande is mainly a hunter and also a priest (arcane powers source are night warrior traits)
Maiev is mainly a hunter which has some traits of night warrior aswell.
Vol’jin is mainly a hunter and also has traits of priests and shaman.
Varian fights as arms or fury.
Anduin was a priest and then became a ret paladin and also has shadow traits.

All heroes are suposed to master the whole specs of respective class, but all of them mainly priorizes one spec.

Maiev is a hunter day one.
Maiev is melee day one.
Maiev was hunting illidan day one.
Maiev has a ranged poison day one, just as a survival hunter.

Every single hunter which priorizes melee are survival. Warcraft has characters like this for decades.

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Thank you!

Yes, good job. They don’t represent playable classes 1 to 1.

“Mainly a Hunter” lol

Tyrande is the only one there with recognisably Hunter abilities and they’re all ranged.

None of them are good representations of Survival.