Survival is Mastery

I see they are removing reach talents from melee and removed it from survival with the new mastery if they really want us in the thick of melee hopefully they will buff the static damage reduction thru tweaking it thru out war as needed currently its at 3-6% damage reduction and since it doesn’t scale with stat points we get the benefit even if our gear is poorly stated in mastery i think this was probably the best call. But now they removed melee reach i think it will get buffed weeks into TWW.

Also its weird our melee aoe can reach 8yrd but our auto attacks and Raptor strike and Mongoose bite are limited to 5yrd melee range i hope they bake in the 8yrd range into all our melee so Exposed Flanks and Merciless Blows will get there full value even if it says it can hit 2 more targets unless all targets are stacked on top each other i think Aoe buff to KC and Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite might be wasted.

It makes perfect sense that the Area of Effect spell has a larger Area lol.

I see mixed reviews on the mastery though.

yea but the two new aoe upgrades to single target get no range buff it makes no sense so ether taking the talent should make them 8yrds too thru the talents or it should be baked in to the melee since we are a spear class.

aoe application on beta is fine lol

but i wouldn’t say no to a longer pole and rocket launcher… am asking just to ask XD where the rocket launcher come from? why not XD

it puts us in parity with the rest of 2h melee
no more permanent range increases, across the board

Eeh we are a grey area even the devs don’t know what they will try to make survival work they try new things and revert things all the time.

how so?
we’re a 2h agility spec with a pet
nothing grey about that

we have a crossbow and bombs


grey area for sure


We are still a hunter…i didnt forget how use a bow lol

i’m not sure what that has to do with extended range with a 2h weapon

if its going to stay at 6%, id rather just have the current heal tbh.

Awful take lmao

Until you play in full mastery in a bg or a duel, don’t underestimate the healing. 6% damage reduction is much less than the 50% healing ill get during an encounter.

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If you know your Retail history, if you know that everything melee about MSV has been an utter failure, it’s not that hard to see why the ranged stuff MUST be buffed and focused on.

RSV won the war, and for a consolation prize of sorts, there’s melee stuff SVs can do if they want to. You might have noticed that a certain Barthilese or Frostmourean goblin hasn’t been around all that much.

If Outlaw is a melee DPS that can do stuff at ranged, Survival is a ranged DPS that can do stuff at melee. Neat, eh?

Then I guess yall have your ranged survival back. Both sides happy

Except one key thing: Black Arrow. That was for the longest time an SV exclusive, and SV can’t be a Dark Ranger. It didn’t quite reprise all of its former glory, but the latter glory is going to be far better anyway.

Now that both sides are happy, one war ends and another one still wages on: the War for BM Independence. For Mitosed Hunter is our destiny…

Never forget that it was the Beastmaster Anti-Establishment that kept both SV and MM down. Now we must take the fight and lobby the hill of Irving, CA to make Beastmaster its own class. They will want to ensure THEIR spec is what gets that precious raid/M+ slot, that rating-pushing privilege.

Red Alert - Stalin