Survival Ideas

So obviously we have a damage shortage and honestly the best fix right now at minimum is a 20% buff to Raptor Strike/Mongoose.

But let’s say Blizzard wants to actually get creative here. They have a unique opportunity to try something new since frankly nobody plays Survival. The community can’t reject the idea much more than they currently already have. Basically you’re at almost absolute zero so you have nothing to lose.

But maybe we can lean into the “Survival” of Survival and find something cool…

Always Ready (Passive) - You’re a master of the wilds and always have a trick up your sleeve to live through Dangerous times. (-50% cooldown on traps)

Tactical advantage (Passive)- if you’re health percentage is higher than the target raptor strike/kill command damage is increased 5%

Improved Spirit Bond (Passive) - upon death your pet will attempt to revive you. (5min cooldown)

Make Heart of the Wild talent baseline and Replace with:
Natures Resolve-When you or your pet takes damage more than 10% of your health will proc “Turtle Shell” for both (45 sec cooldown)

Turtle shell - Aspect of the turtle for 3 seconds that you can attack through.

Chakrams applies 10sec armor Sunder.

Replace Disengage with:
Tactical Retreat - (same thing as Disengage but add: reduces cooldown of harpoon by 10sec)

Mending pet Cooldown increased to 30seconds and healing reduced by 40% but affects both hunter and pet. Effect can be cleansed or stolen.

Coordinated Assault resets the cooldowns of your aspects.

Give Improved versions of traps:
Improved Tar Trap: Tar trap radius +50%
Improved Frost Trap: freezes cooldowns for duration
Improved Steel Trap: (double the damage of steel trap)
Give Survival Explosive Trap baseline PvE

Anyway it’ll never happen but it would make Survival… survive well. And there’s some raid utility and a small (2-3%) damage boost in there.

But the overall effect would be a maneuverable, difficult to kill, trap/gadget/class. We would still not be topping meters so maybe not meta but im sure a slight number tuning and we could be middle of the road.

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