Survival, I guess they are done with us?

this is giving men ill.

the fact that people with apparently no lives feel the need to come to these forums and act like others also have no lives and thus ample amounts of time to read thesis length papers…

is beyond me.

do better. my god.


VV feels weird being gated to take WFI.

Mongoost bite/raptor strike shouldnt have 3 of 2 pointer nodes amping their dmg.


They added a two-handed weapon restriction on Spearhead, rip ranged survival meme dream


Or dual wield dreamers. It is freaking beyond me why blizzard is so Horribly inconsistent… Some classes get dual wield but some do not… Some get improved utility some get worse utility etc.

I have become less and less confident in the devs. It started sounding like DF would be good but honestly dont even think i’ll bother with ordering/buying it… Hard pass

Yeeeaahhhh, Imma stick with WotLK Classic. November 28th for DF? I’m not exactly confident there will be any meaningful changes to Hunters at large before then. Good thing we spent weeks figuring out Binding Shot, though! Ironic that the solution was a talent from TBC.


The quantity of communication has been good for Hunters. But the actual quality has left a Lot to wish for.
And the majority of changes has been way to little way too late. And to be honest most (not all but most) of the decisions have been bad ones.

Just the fact they nerf a ability based on “player feedback” when said ability hasnt even been implemented yet is just one of many laughable statements/decisions.

One of the least represented classes in raids? Lets nerf their utility while giving other classes already highly represented More utility. Because F Hunters right?

I guess it is what we get when they put a dude that obviously dont play Or like the Hunter class, in charge of the Hunter development. Stellar move.

The problem is the approach. It was never a situation where they were looking for meaningful feedback about how the class could be bettered. It was, instead, them handing us a turd, telling us that the turd was all we were getting, and then asking us how to polish it up a little.


Hi again. Update from a year later: Survival has been the spec of choice for most Hunters throughout WotLK Classic. Now heroic Lich King is down. As of the time of typing, there are 228 SV parses on the fight v.s. just 7 MM Hunters. Over the whole raid it’s 184k v.s. 17k.

MM sims just 500 DPS better, and only with the very best gear the expansion has to offer. Even then, there are still many reasons to play Survival such as better mana efficiency, AoE, and HP. We may eventually see more MM Hunters than SV, but we are a long, long way from that and it certainly won’t ever be the 10x figure we see for SV v.s. MM right now.

Do you admit to being wrong yet?


god how fragile is your ego that you need this validation?

you had to search this out and necro it, just to stroke your ego because apparently you got nothing else going on?

dog, go outside.


But than you acknowledged them, which only adds to it. Ignoring them is the best option. It was a year old post, and that player had moved on, so Bepples would have never received recognition.

I had it bookmarked, actually.

He made very specific and assertive claims about SV which were incorrect. He deserves embarrassment for that.

Don’t act certain unless you are certain. Easy as that.

Like you and your incorrect claims about SV being melee in classic.

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