Survival Hunter Tank!?

I know the topic for Survival Hunter revamp gets brought up every now and then, but I just leveled up an alt and the entire time I was thinking to myself saying, “this spec would be crazy as a tank.”

Imagine tank swapping with your pet during a boss fight. It would basically make a 5-man dungeon to a 5.5 or even 6 depending on your mastery level. This idea would completely change the game, obviously there needs to be tank like abilities other than growl for the pet, but still.

I think this would be a good mix up for a spec that barely gets touched and is always on the C-tier in DPS charts, even though DPS can be insane if you know your rotation.

Comment if you have any ideas to improve this spec or if you think I am totally wrong, I don’t mind hearing your opinions. Thanks :slight_smile:

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I have an idea. I think Survival should be a ranged spec. Mind blowing, I know. There are enough tanks.


Shaman tank before anyone else gets another tank spec.


That would be cool! Survival is kind of like the man in the middle half melee half range, which mixes it up.

I disagree. 36 specs and only 6 of them can tank.


It’s literally called “Survival.” That’s what a tank does: survive.

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By the same 6 people lol

Its fine as is. It’s actually one of the most well-designed specs in the game right now.


Survivals are amazing, I completely agree, but I think converting them to a tank would make more sense as a play style.

No it wouldn’t work, we already have too many tanks as is and most of them aren’t good.

How about they add some fourth specs to a few classes?

  • Shaman Earthwarden (tank)
  • Hunter Survival (tank) + Shadowstalker (DoT ranged DPS)
  • Mage Spellsword (tank)
  • Demon Hunter Defiler (healer)

I’ll say again: 36 specs, 6 tanks, 6 healers, 24 DPS.

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Warlocks and Shaman are also potential tanks but I doubt they’ll ever make tanking specs for them or hunters.

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There’s still no need for 10+ tanks either. The problem with tanks is the balance…if we have too many they suffer from the “DPS problem” aka not bringing low tier tanks because they suck and only bringing in high tier tanks. 6 is perfect and manages to make all the tanks somehow useful even if, lets say, DK isnt the best tank in raid…it doesn’t make it borderline useless.

There’s no reason not to either.

The problem with everything is balance. Or are we going to ignore 24 DPS specs that have to be balanced in some way?

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I really don’t want another ranged sv spec. It was so bad lol

Wrath Survival was fun and the DoTs were great.


I think that the proportion of tank specs is about fair, high if anything.

In raids, you have two tanks out of 10-30, 20 where the composition matters the most. So 1/10th the raid is a tank but there are 36 specs, so there should be 3.6 tank specs when looking at the raid.

In dungeons, 1/5th of the group is a tank. So there should be 7.2 tank specs when looking at dungeons. (And round(7) heal specs too).

In pvp, tanks specs are usually not played in arena, and at most one tank out of 10 is brought to RBGs in case someone needs to carry the flag. So there should be at most 3.6 tank specs when looking at pvp. But to average the three group sizes of pvp, there would be 1.2 tank specs (and there is one tbf - guardian).

The average of 3.6, 7.2, and 3.6 is 4.8, so there should be about 5 tank specs to be fair. It’s interesting to me that there are six options for tanks when such a small amount of the endgame population will need to tank.

Looking at healers, though, I think it doesn’t add up in the other direction. Dungeons (1/5 heals), raid (about 1/5 heals), 2v2 (1/2 heals most of the time), 3v3 (1/3 heals) and RBG (3/10 heals). Assuming pvp should have 1/3 healers, by averaging the three “pillars of endgame,” we should have round(8.8) or 9 healer specs.

i’d far rather see enhancement shaman be a tank spec to be honest. they already use heavier armor, and shields.

I don’t. And I’d like to see more. We might actually see faster queues when there’s more tanks.

I do want a Shaman tank, but I don’t think Enhancement should be sacrificed for it. They just need a fourth spec.

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I agree with this, you have to wait around 30-45 minutes during non-busy hours to run mid to high-level keys because there are no tanks available.

I think 2 more tanks are necessary for a better flow (meaning less wait time) of end-game play, especially in raids.

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