Again, in your head, it would be a waste. For many others, it’s exactly what is needed.
While the word “relevant” doesn’t really apply, yeah, they do struggle in some ways. However, adding 1 more spec to a pool of 36 will do very little, the overall impact would be a minor one. The big problem isn’t the specs, it’s that they don’t actually focus on “fixing” everything that is less than ideal.
Because contrary to your opinion, any indications that point to how sought after it would be, those tell a very different story compared to what you’re saying. In short: because people want it back.
This would only be true if what we’re after is for them to bring RSV back and keep it exactly as it was, for example, without its own set of talents, etc. You see it as “dated” because you can’t visualize what it could be like in the modern game, you only see what it was back then. And, based on the things you’ve said so far, I doubt you even know what it was like when it was still in the game.
I really don’t see the point in making BM the new melee spec. That’s just trading one flavor for another. MM and ranged SV are too similar compared to MM and ranged BM so it’d just be a step backwards for no reason lol
No no no. BM would be ranged or melee depending on the weapon you have equipped.
Imo, RSV should be brought back but given a dark ranger type theme. Visually very different. A spec focused on the dark side of nature and the cunning, tricky side of hunters.
Oh, what’s your basis for this then? Is your opinion based only on the people who are posting about it on this one forum or? If that would indeed be a deciding factor, then current melee SV would never have seen the light if day. Anyway, it isn’t.
Do you actually know what “trolling” means? Doesn’t sound like that is the case.
Specs are designed and balanced around being either ranged or melee, be it damage output, utility, survivability, etc.
If BM is designed for ranged in this manner then equipping a melee weapon would just gimp their range to 0. If it were designed for melee, then slapping a ranged weapon on would make it op as balls.
Edit: Can someone tell this Ghorak guy to relax it’s a discussion over a class in a video game lol no need to be so hostile
The passive I’m suggesting would function like Lone wolf does. Instead of sacrificing your pet for more damage, you’re sacrificing your range for more damage.
There is a percentage buff that negates the advantage of being ranged.
Hello. No, that wasn’t trolling. A trolling post in that format, generally is a statement that looks strong, but has nothing behind it.
see, you asked some questions, and Ghorak answered.
At this point, you needed some clarification, WHAT is contrary to WHICH of my opinions? There are indicators?
indications that refute what I am saying?
What am I saying?
What do you think I am saying?
Without clarification, things can get flexible never let someone else decide what you said or didn’t say, where you’ve been or what you’ve done.
In this paragraph, all Ghorak ever really gets around to saying is ‘because people want it back.’
The only opinion on display is yours. We don’t actually know Ghoraks opinion.
Politely, you ask Ghorak to refrain from Trolling. Politely or no, you have alleged Ghoak has been Trolling you, specifically, for differences of opinion. Probably not a good thing.
I wonder if he holds grudges… Bwhaaaa!! Look at him! OF course he holds grudges! He’s an Orc! A BLOODY Orc! Built to hold grudges…
Rexxar is just the convenient, recognizable melee hunter hero.
Really, people wanted to play out the common ranger fantasy. Not just Rexxar.
If you look at WC3 heroes that inspired the hunter class, and their representatives in WoW, every single one uses melee weapons, and to a great extent. Shandris Feathermoon? DW ranger. Her entire time in SL she skulks around with her twin blades. Sylvanas? DW ranger, in vanilla she stood around in a dress, and even after she got her unique model, her twin blades were always in her hands. Vol’jin and other shadow hunters? Blade staff glaive thing. Rexxar? Nuff said.
This whole idea that a couple Rexxar fans made enough noise to get WoW to fundamentally change the class is a myth. The class wasnt fundamentally changed to give the game melee SV. Melee elements of the class were removed, because they didnt serve the instanced PvE focus the game adopted. Those elements were consolidated and eventually placed in modern SV.
Funny you should say that. Modern SV enthusiasts have been saying that about the SV spec for a few years, and I have been saying thats how the hunter class should be as a whole, for a while.
Even the phrase “primary weapon” implies the existence of a secondary weapon.
You can like the fact that Blizzard tried to distill the classes and specs down to their purest instanced PvE function, as a sort of arcade version of these archetypes. But please recognize that there is more to holistic WoW experience, and more behind the desire and eventual implementation, albeit poorly executed, than a nonsensical desire for a fantasy that doesnt or shouldnt exist in this universe. Including but not limited to Rexxar. Melee is inherently part of hunter.
But it’s not. Archers are not trappers. Archers are not beast tamers. Archers are not trackers, stalkers, riflemen, spearmen (harpooners) or hunters. Archers are just archers. It is too specific. Furthermore, the entire class being 100% ranged weapon focused was only 2 expansions. Please stop acting like your opinion about what all hunter specs should be (archers) is clearly right.
I dont think 4th spec is a good idea (I dont even prefer specs to trees, though I understand the design decision).
Another ranged dps spec in the hunter class doesnt do anything but add more stigma to the one melee spec. It’s not the solution to the SV dilemma. I honestly would be surprised if the game even gets past the next expansion. So I doubt we’ll get much change beyond possible 3rd spec RSV. Not 4th spec.
4th spec didnt make feral better. It robbed feral of its fantasy (the animal form shapeshifting druid) and split that into two separate fantasies… the bear and the cat. It robbed the spec of a unique feature, being able to tank and DPS in one spec. A feature that once existed in fury warrior, all DKs, and was cultivated in prot warrior via Gladiator stance in an attempt to encourage more people to tank. Feral druids were the only spec left that could switch between a DPS form and a Tank form with ease. It was wildly popular in all forms of content. While feral is still good and desirable in PvP, it suffers from the same problems now, as SV in PvE. Why bring a feral druid melee DPS, when you could get most of those benefits from a moonkin, a guardian tank, or a resto healer?
4th spec isnt some success worth repeating. It is equally as unsuccessful and harmful to the class as melee SV. By the same devs. In the same expansion. For the same design philosophy reasons (artifact weapons). SV just gets more flak, because it is a more obvious “removal” of a beloved spec.
Seeing this is my spec and very few hunters on my server ever attempt using it, most classes have about the same set of utilities, all other moves are pure combat.
We are the new hero spec, ever since BfA. we’re the hunter spec that every tank wants, because we bring an interesting take on the class all together. Remember when we were “Huntards”? ranged classes have a bad habit of aggravating surrounding red mobs. we on the otherhand are capable of bringing adds to the fight and downing them relatively quickly.
Master the class and we aren’t complaining much, Yes this is my main…
This might be one of the strangest takes I’ve ever seen on SV Hunter. You are aware ranged Hunters also have misdirection and are capable of fighting in melee range, right? Survival can also aggro extra mobs just as the ranged specs can. It has so far NOT been particularly desired in content, and whenever it has been it has not been a result of being melee.