Fair enough. We like what we like.
Many would say that MoP held the best iteration of RSV. WoD came with their newfound love for pruning so, arguably, while a few things were improved upon, much of what they did for that expansion wasn’t exactly to improve RSV in general. If anything, asking some players, what they did to RSV in WoD was mostly to prepare it for the Legion rework. A sentiment I would agree with.
Either way, you can find the core spec and its’ abilities and passives here(MoP): https://mop-shoot.tauri.hu/?talent#Yb!
PS. Make sure to check under Specialization, that it’s set to Spec, not Class, or you’ll show all abilities and effects instead. Also note that the talent section itself is more or less irrelevant since those were designed to be class-wide options, and not exclusive to RSV.
That core fantasy, is why I decided to look into a modern concept for the spec, what you can find in the link below. Ofc that concept includes spec specific talents and additional passives, as that is what’s required for the current game(with more changes yet to come for DF).