Survival Hunter - Kyrian or Night Fae?

I main a BM hunter (I know, cliche…) but recently I’ve been interested in the Survival Spec. I’m not really having trouble w/DPS w/either spec, but I want to know if Kyrian is really that much better than Night Fae?
Most places I look, it says Kyrian is best for the Survival spec.
I’m not sure if I want to switch between BM and Survival a lot.
Switching between covenants (I’ve only done it once) is a lot of work as you get set back to 0 renown.
Is it worth permanently switching to Kyrian, or is Night Fae good enough for Survival?

From what I have heard, Kyrian/Mykanikos becomes better than Night Fae AFTER you unlock the last soulbind slot (which won’t be for another 2ish weeks?) which reduces the CD of your Resonating Arrow. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Even after that, the 2 covenants are still very close.

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Let me ask you Wuff, do you PvP at all? If you do not, and if Night Fae is your preferred covenant, just stick with that. If you plan to PvP at all or if you prefer Kyrian, stick with that.

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I don’t really do PvP (only really when they attack me first while questing), I might in the future, but right now I’m focused on getting set for mythics+ and PvE. Thank you for the advice! I think I’ll try Night Fae for now :slight_smile:

Night Fae is insane for m+. Wild Spirits lines up perfectly with Coordinated Assault, and you get Korayn, who is by far the best m+ soulbind in the game.

Some of us are playing Venthyr but I would recommend Night Fae still.

The difference is so miniscule it’s not worth switching. The burst from Wild Spirits with lego is also unmatched for single target. Just not worth the time it takes to re-max renown for Mythic +. NF is still better for raiding.

Kyrian is better than night fae in M+ imo. Having resonating arrow on almost every pack has an insane amount of value and once that last mik soulbind gets unlocked its so much better. If you don’t want to switch out of night fae it wont hurt that bad but kyrian feels a whole lot better.

That lego isn’t as strong for SV as it is BM.

For SV at this moment NF and Kyrian are rather close but the gap is going to get wider. Still NF for pve will be a close second but after being NF and then moving to kyrian i can say that i prefer kyrian to NF since moving out of your ring isn’t as much of a dps loss for kyrian as it is for NF since the crit debuff remains on adds even if they move out of your ring, while NF its just a damage loss. You can also use arrow more frequently and line it up with your bombs to make more burst opportunites which mythic plus will be better in the long run.

I found myself sitting on WS in mythics for pulls that got the most value and needed the burst where as with Arrow i could use it basically on every pack, esp next week we we get the final mikanos trait.