Survival Hunter ideas

- You, in the other thread, not only being laughably misinformed about what Survival was before Legion as I will soon outline there, but also being a giant hypocrite as you post in this thread about how it’s fine for melee Survival to share multiple iconic elements of BM.

I don’t care that BM wouldn’t lose it. BM losing it to SV was not the impression I held when I made that point. The point is Animal Companion, like Kill Command, Bestial Wrath, and Spirit Bond (SV really did steal that one away from BM, actually), is a quintessentially BM thing. Survival should not have any of these things. Survival as ranged did not share Aimed Shot, Chimera Shot, and Sniper Training with MM or even Rapid Fire, Kill Shot, and Serpent Sting in its last expansion yet it was still apparently too similar by your warped standards.