Survival Hunter could be way enjoyable if

If it didn’t use so many bombs instead of ‘Survivalist Hunter-ish’ stuff.

I mean, I know bombs/explosives aren’t the only thing Survival uses, but personally, I think bombs kind of ‘break’ the fantasy of what a Survival Hunter should be.

Survival, from my point of view, should be that fighter who uses nature and the environment around him to improvise in battle. With these bombs/explosives, he seems almost like an engineer in a nutshell.

For example, replace the bombs with flasks of acid/poison that he collected from some creature. Have potions/medicines that he made from things he gathered in nature for small buffs or effects for a few seconds (imagine Witcher-style potions) and things like that, you get the idea…

This could be solved with aesthetic glyphs, I think.

I’m talking about Fantasy/RP side. Gameplay wise feels nice.

OBS: Personal opinion, its ok if you desagree

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It’s certainly my biggest beef with the spec. As I wrote in another thread a few hours ago, throwing bombs at your own feet is not conducive to your survival.

if it were deleted and there were only 2 hunter specs, 2 rogue specs

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I like the bomb idea but I agree it doesn’t really make much sense the way it currently is used.

IMO, they should repurpose the bombs and instead turn them into “Trick Arrows” for Marksman. Give Survival more melee attacks or buffs that augment what’s currently there instead. Maybe let them keep some of the effects but make them happen through melee attacks.

Kinda like the Gunbreaker in FFXIV. They have a basic combo, and once they build up ammo, they can unleash a literal explosive set of melee attacks. Maybe give the Survival Hunters new buffs called “Aspects” that work like the old classic ones. Meaning you click one to turn it on and it stays on until you either change it or toggle it off yourself. But make them fit the current game.

So “Aspect of the Viper” would cause all melee attacks to place a poison dot on all targets. “Aspect of the Wolf” would instead add bleeds to everything. “Aspect of the Thunder Lizard” could cause all attacks to chain to other enemies, which would allow the hunter to hit ranged targets who happen to be close enough to the melee enemies, but too far for actual melee attacks. “Aspect of the Dragon” could cause their attacks to do fire AoE damage or something.

They could also add more niche options. Like “Aspect of the Monkey” would increase dodge/parry chance and make it so every time you dodge or parry, you retaliate against the target. “Aspect of the Bear” could be a tanking stance to create a Tank Hunter.

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I like the bombs. ‘I am the Evil Midnight Bomber what bombs at midnight!’