Survival hunter changes for 9.1

Its not a nerf. Our damage should stay the same, recieving a buff for situations where the SV hunters misdirection target is the enemy’s target also increasing not just our melee damage but all incoming melee damage.

Maybe it shouldn’t be the sole function of our mastery. Ive seriously given it very little thought, just spitballing and trying to tie in mastery, as its a secondary that they are pushing but it feels really bad to get.


Na, the idea is interesting. I just don’t see how it would feel good in PVP. If you’re not the target, you’re in theory doing damage that should be balanced with the mastery in mind. If you are the target, your damage is going to be lowered. And unfortunately, you can’t really control who enemies target in PVP unlike in PVE.

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Mastery- Flanking strikes:

Incoming melee damage is increased by (x per percentage of mastery with diminishing returns) for every enemy targeting the target of your misdirection. If the target of your misdirection is your pet, it also recieves an increase to maximum health, scaling with mastery.

Edit: I would have said avoidance or dodge or something that makes more thematic sense, but health seemed simpler and more effective against aoe.

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why not just have at least 1 ranged spec and sv be strong

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my suggestion is to massively boost the damage of raptor strike and mongoose bite

this makes mastery less of a dead stat, increases our single target damage which we have a lot of room to improve and also in pvp we just kite people because our melee damage (which is MS/RS) just doesnt hit hard enough to justify melee range


Hate to break it to you: the devs literally do not care about your ideas. They have to work with a plethora of determining variables that affect the direction of the spec. The last on that list is some opinion on the forums.

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“Danger Zone…” - Archer


We’re not really lacking in utility to be honest (Lust/hero, Tranq shot dispels, freezing trap and stuns for hard CC, tar trap to help tanks kite, MD to help keep pulls clean, pet can tank for a short period if the tank goes down which should be just long enough for a brez, etc).

I feel instead of bringing a buff that another class already brings, give us a % secondary stat buff that could even be based off of which pet we have out

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If you just simplified your idea to increased dmg when you and your pet are on the same target, I could dig it.

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My idea is a melee style group utility though that affects all melee dps.

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Don’t know if I’m necroing a thread or not, but it seems general consensus is that at least Mongoose Bite should be baseline, which I don’t really agree with, however some of the other suggestions are very valid.

I agree that Raptor Strike should reduce Wildfire Bomb cooldown. It wouldn’t be too major, but it would increase our single target, which is indeed severely lacking. Viper’s Venom being baseline would also give Survival a dmg proc, as it is the only dps spec that doesn’t have one (too my knowledge).

The suggestion of a pet-based defensive also has merit, it would have to be something on a long CD however due to Survival already having access to two defensives, through Tenacity pets, and turtle.

Survival also lacks meaningful damage cooldowns, Coordinated Assault just doesn’t have the oomph you’d expect out of a major class cooldown. I think either Flanking Strike Should be reworked into such a cooldown, (maybe something along the lines of a lesser Colossus Smash, where it deals some good burst dmg, and also increases our dmg dealt to the target by 15-20% for 10-15 seconds), or Coordinated Assault should get a buff where our haste is increased by 20% for the duration as well.

Survival also suffers from a significant resource drought in drawn out fights, and while Viper’s Venom being baseline would help to alleviate this, another way to improve this would be a simple passive, (maybe tied to our mastery to actually give incentive to stack that stat) that makes our pet’s autoattacks give us focus.

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I had a clever idea(Or several) when it comes to how to fix survival. Kinda a mess of ideas around on idea: Giant hunting. My idea is that survival is a hard-to-kill melee hunter that hunts monsters much bigger and stronger than themself with tactics, ingenuity, and sheer determination. You can’t kill a giant with one single arrow, one spell, or one mighty strike, you wear them down with poison and bleeds until its so overwhelmed it can’t fight back as you deliver the final blow. My ideas follow:
1.) We give survival’s mastery to BM hunters(flat damage increase based on mastery and a heal for their pets is nice, makes their pets tankier, increases damage, and it makes more sense that the spirit-bond between a BM hunter and their pet is their source of strength and not "my pet hits harder because I put on a new shoulder pad.)
2.) Survival’s new mastery is a three-part buff. First, it increases focus regen based on every unique dot active on enemies, meaning that keeping wildfire/poison/bleed/ect. up on one or more bad guys will give you a lot of focus (rewards players for keeping their dots up by giving us a lot of extra focus). Two, it increases damage done by dots(again, make dots stronger which is what I kinda feel like survival should focus on). And three, mastery decreases how much damage the target deals to you if affected by raptor strike/mongoose bite(improves survivabillity and makes you more scary in 1v1 PvP.)
3.) Raptor strike/mongoose bite now applies a bleed that ties in to the mastery(the dmg wont be that great but it boosts focus, surv, ect.) Talents such as tip of the spear allows you to increase the damage of the bleed meanwhile mongoose bite gives you more damage on your attacks while still keeping the initial bleed.

This makes survival a spec where you wittle down foes with bug bites and dots while they struggle to kill you. The survivability is tied into our main focus spender so we can focus down one target and take a beating the other hunters wouldn’t be able to take.


While im having fun with my survival hunter (always been melee lol) I would say this could be a good idea.


Rank 3 raptor / mongoose bite. Extra poison dmg if target is affected by serpent sting.


My suggestion for utility for Survival only would be an aura (aspect of pact?) that increase everyone haste by 5% and movement speed by 10%!

Also I don’t think it would be a good idea to have mongoose bite baseline since it doesn’t work well with a bomb build, we should have the choice of going for a bomb build with WFB + guerrila talent for best mythic/AoE dps or go mongoose bite/Bird of prey for the best raid/single target dps.
The problem right now is that the Mongoose bite/BoP build isn’t doing the single target dps it should be doing to be competitive enough, serpent sting lasting 16+sec could help a bit but it will need more to be where it should be.


This is great stuff. I’m MM, and have little idea what is being discussed, but it IS being discussed, there is something good here, going on here.


I basically agree with all of this but also want to add that 2 talented abilities, alpha predator and guerilla tactics, pretty much make the class I think one of these talents should be a rank 2 ability, perhaps alpha predator and they rework the top tree of survival talents to actually have some interesting options, also need our bad mastery reworked, just my two cents from playing since SL launch


Man, I just wish (yes that our Single Target was better) but that Raptor strike / Mongoose bite would both refresh the serpent sting on the target. Serpent sting does NOT last long enough.


gotta keep making noise even tho blizzard doesn’t give a fwackk

Need a new Mastery for sure.

Spirit Bond should be a baseline passive to all Hunter specs.

More defensives and beefier pets. If the pet dies for any reason (It happens a lot in PvP) we can’t generate Focus.

Another thing is that SV is supposed to be a melee spec, but we only have 1 melee attack for single target and that’s either Raptor Strike or Mongoose Bite. I think they should change Kill Shot to a melee execute and make RS and MB separate abilities and make MB baseline.

Give Serpent Sting an 18 second duration. The current amount doesn’t last long enough.

Make Mongoose Bite 3 stacks instead of 5.

There’s a lot of things that could be done but this is some of my ideas.

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