Survival hunter changes for 9.1

I agree with your idea for Carve, it would basically be Swipe.
And possibly another tweak would be to add bomb CD reduction to Raptor Strike as well, since bombs are still a huge chunk of our damage on ST.

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if you lower cd on carve, how would you nerf bombs to compensate?

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I wouldn’t! :dizzy_face:

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sv already has extremely strong aoe due to bomb cd reduction on carve, lower carve cd would put it in absurd levels of AoE


I am okay with this.


We have just one aoe ability and cooldown means = no aoe.

Our aoe damage its NOTHING compared to fire mage and balance druids damage.

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I dont think we are playing the same game over here.

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If you are struggling to do high Aoe on survival, then you are just bad.

The spec is perfectly capable of pulling 9k+ overall in dungeons, and has been done multiple times (in pug 15s no less)


OP uncapped AoE would be a niche we could fill as we don’t really have one atm. Would be a big boost to both AoE and ST

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What other aoe ability do we have besides wildfire bombs?

Do you have a problem? Just read again.

I didn’t lie in saying that without bombs we have no aoe damage.

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You said sv does no aoe.

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Lol, this was for us to get ideas of how to improve SV, not to discuss if SV AoE is good or bad lmao

Mastery- Flanking strikes:

Melee damage is dramatically increased when the SV hunter is not targeted, scaling with mastery.

Edit: Alternative- Melee damage is dramatically increased on all targets attacking the target of the SV hunter’s misdirection.

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(take my opinion with a grain of salt as the most i do on my hunter is mythic dungeons)

i feel like our rotations and such isnt lacking and the damage is almost there

it feel more like we lack utility to make us desirable to groups, the suggestions ive been trying to say when asked is to give us the 5% melee/ magic debuffs that Monks/DH have. dps wise this leaves us competing for spots against other melee instead of our ranged spec counterparts, and directly increases our damage in most content outside of raids as normally one or both of those buff is lacking.

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Melee dps lean on utility to make them desirable for groups. My suggestion regarding flanking strikes as a utility that increases incoming melee damage on enemies targeting the target of your misdirection would make us super desirable.

Downside, some ranged hunters might feel forced to go SV to bring that utility. They should just get rid of all the melee passive utilities on dps specs and make “flanking” a core game mechanic, making melee desirable.

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Honestly, to make melee desirable they just need to do more damage. It’s as simple as that and it’s logical. You deal more damage for being in the danger zone.


Hmm. I’m not so sure…

I mean, thematically, this is truly an excellent idea. But my concern is that it’d render Mastery utterly useless in world content and solo content.

I’m also concerned it would cause the PvPers to view Mastery unfavorably, since it’d be a penalty in one-on-one encounters.

Still, this certainly is an idea. Perhaps more (way more) experienced PvPers would have something to say about this.


Wouldn’t this be kind of problematic in PVP? If the hunter is targeted, their damage is gimped through no fault of their own. Neat idea though.

Edit: Water beat me to it haha.

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It would work well in situations where opponents are focusing the healer. But yeah, you are probably right. It just sucks that mastery for SV hunters is so bad and is already viewed unfavorably.

Edit: With some pet survivability buffs, it could punish opponents who try to focus down our pets.


I totally agree there. SV’s mastery needs some kind of rework, it’s bad.

On a tangently related note, I feel BM’s mastery could use a small update but it’s not nearly as bad off as SV’s

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