Survival Hunter Change Idea

Tell me you’ve never mained a Hunter throughout every expansion without saying it. :roll_eyes:


I quite enjoy my survival hunter.

It was more melee centric in Legion and it was a complete disaster. Looking at the current SV and thinking “what this needs is less ranged capability” is delusional.


Yeah, but it historically had more melee mods than the other specs when they still had melee weapon slots. If the discussion is about what’s “fitting” or not, it fits perfectly fine.

Having a couple buffs to melee damage back when the class had melee weapons and a minimum range is a far cry from lacking a ranged weapon entirely and preferring to fight in melee range as much as possible. No, the latter is not a good fit and not a natural derivation of the former.

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When the comment I replied to is a question about thematics, it works just fine. Your reductive opinion doesn’t interest me.

It doesn’t work from a thematic standpoint either. Survival was always meant to be versatile, adaptable, and opportunist. Yet now it arbitrarily avoids and ignores the most significant and iconic advantage of the class and sticks to the vastly-more-dangerous melee range. It makes no sense and it’s clearly the product of thinking like your own that just because Survival had the melee-buffing talents back in older WoW when Hunters had melee weapons (a weakness of the class, not a strength BTW) it makes sense to not have a ranged weapon in modern WoW.


It 100% does, so it’s clear I shouldn’t waste my time further.

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Powerful counterargument right here folks.

Did Survival have a ranged weapon before Legion? Yes or no?

Does Survival have a ranged weapon now? Yes or no?

The correct answers are Yes and No. Therefore Survival now is NOT a good fit for what it was historically and you’re clearly evading the core point.


I think, instead of being a useless poo by attacking your idea, how about I help enhance it?

The third DH spec. Chaos Spec. Havoc, Vengeance, and Chaos! Uses Fel-infused Alchemical enhancements on their weapons and runic tattoos.
As for a new ranged spec for hunters…Ranged Throwing! No bows or guns, but instead we use Thrown weapons. Still could have things like Wing Clip or some such, because it makes sense, but 99% ranged lol. I think it would be super interesting.

Personally, I still prefer my idea of making BM hunters have the melee spec, and give me back my old school survival. BM hunter makes more sense as melee anyway…who better to MASTER the BEASTS, THAN A GUY WILLING TO FIGHT IN THE MELEE WITH THEM! But no, class fantasy is too much to ask for, for us poor hunters.

Did survival not have explosives and poisons before Legion? Because I seem to recall that it did. Your little crusade against it being melee or not is irrelevant.

Lol!? It absolutely is relevant. They remade the spec from the ground up to make it melee (twice) and it’s the most significant barrier keeping people away from it. It’s also the main tokenistic “identifier” people now use for the spec.

But never mind that. If it’s not relevant why not just go ahead and make it ranged? After all, according to you it’s not relevant so it shouldn’t have any negative effect. Why come here and defend the spec being melee if it’s going to be about poisons and explosives either way?

It’s pretty clear you are only concerned about the melee/ranged element and are ignoring everything else that fits the spec just fine, either because you know you can’t counter anything I’ve said, or you are just hyperfixated on this one element for some reason.

Either way, good luck with the ranting.


What a bizarre attempt at derailing.

Melee is the #1 issue people have with the spec. It’s the primary barrier and the thing which makes people look at it and say “that doesn’t seem like a Hunter to me” such as the OP. It’s the primary controversy across all Survival discussions including this thread and most of the 25 posts in it before my post here including your own.

You even defended the melee aspect until you abruptly decided and it’s not relevant. Now you pretend I’m the one talking about something irrelevant? This tactic might work for you but it’s pretty transparent to everyone reading that you’re trying to divert away from a line of discussion that wasn’t going well for you.

Here’s you just 20 minutes ago specifically defending the “irrelevant” melee aspect, by the way:

If it’s irrelevant, why not make it ranged? Why continue to defend the spec being melee?


Fixed that for you.

Why make BM melee? People rather like BM’s ranged mobility. It’s just a nerf at that point. After all it can already fight at full capability in melee range so making it melee just means handicapping it to be less effective at range. If people so desperately want a melee Hunter, and judging by SV’s unpopularity if they aren’t spoonfed broken damage it’s really not that many people who want it, they should make it an optional talented mode within the BM spec rather than the baseline state of the spec.


Rexxar. On a serious note, the theme of fighting side by side with your pet fits the Beast Master fantasy.

So Survival can be mobile.


Beast Master Hunters are not in melee range as a ranged specialization.

Citation needed.

How would a talent work to make a ranged specialization that uses bows, crossbows, and guns become melee that uses daggers, one-handed axes, and one-handed swords?

You can fight side-by-side with the pet right now as BM as a matter of fact.

Or they could both be mobile like what we had before Legion.

Before: 100% damage at range, 100% damage in melee
After: ~50-70% damage at range, 100% damage in melee

Seems like a nerf to me :thinking:

But you can do that if you need or want.

I mean Blizzard themselves admitted it was unpopular but you can find representation data over time around on the internet. For example here’s one I have archived:

Who knows; how does it make sense for a ranged class that uses bows, crossbows and guns to spec out of using those?

It doesn’t make much sense because it’s not a great idea to start with. But at least as an option within a spec it wouldn’t condemn an entire spec to niche obscurity to chase a very minor niche (barring, of course, bribing everyone to play it with stupidly tuned borrowed power). They could make a talent that, when taken, swaps out the ranged shots (eg. Cobra Shot, Barbed Shot) for melee strikes requiring a 2H melee weapon or dual wielding (Raptor Strike, Lacerate) in exchange for a damage/health boost. Yeah, few people would take it, but few people genuinely prefer melee Hunters over ranged Hunters in the first place so it never really made sense to give them 1/3 of the class insstead.


Maybe your fantasy. OG BM here and at no point in my many years of playing this spec have I ever thought, “this would be more fun if i was stuck in melee range doing 25% of my damage with 300% more responsibility.”


Survival hunter is one of the best M+ specs in the game, let’s keep it.

It there are a lot of OG hunters pining for the ranged days. So let’s make “Fudd” the 4th spec as ranged survival.

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