Survival Hunter Change Idea

Well, at least you admit you were wrong in something, its a start :wink:

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If RSV wasnt touched in legion but they added a melee spec to it, would you care? If so why? I think it fits a hunter fantasy extremely well and it’s the only class fantasy to grip me since combat was changed to outlaw

a melee hunter shouldnt exist. the whole aspect of a hunter is guns / bows / crossbows / traps. that is all. nothing more.

but if you would like to hear my opinion and my thoughts in the sense of a “melee” hunter well here goes:

i was a hardcore end game top tier raider back in mop up into wod where i played ranged survival. all of a sudden blizzard announced that survival will will be going melee. dumb very dumb.

however if i can go back on my threads i could find where i was telling blizzard to not do this and to make bm melee. because if ever there was to be any fantasy or common sense made from a melee hunter it would be bm. because from this aspect it would be your beasts doing all the damage under your control where you can stab stab from behind and lay down some traps.

a melee spec has no place in the hunter class especially if it is at the cost of the removal of “the” best spec in the game not to mention hunter class.

bm is the spec that should of went melee if any spec was to go melee and not survival. rexxar is a melee BM hunter. and not survival.

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What does this even mean? Doesn’t this also describe the current version perfectly?

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I remember playing BM in wotlk and Cata and enjoying the melee. So I don’t mind this. I just wish they would let us use exotics. Then we can be like Rexxar, and fight with a devilsaur, or snail, or rhino by our sides.

what if they added carve and raptor strike to BM instead?

They can do that, but I’m sure bm players would complain. I wouldn’t mind bm being a melee spec tbh, since I used to main bm for a while and enjoyed the melee parts in wotlk/cata. I didn’t like when they removed the melee weapons from hunters, it felt more bland to just be focused on ranged weapons. So I was happy when Survival got introduced.

I don’t like how they changed classes to be more generic, it’s why survival has kill command now, but it certainly gives you a reason to sill use a pet and have it as part of your fantasy.

You can also ask why not just put the old survival playstyle, talents, and abilities into marksman? WIth the new talent trees. They can do that and sort of already did that with many of the spells survival had, they can just do it better.

For hunters personally I would love to wield 2-3 weapons again for all specs, and have melee abilities use the melee weapon we choose and the ranged weapon the ranged abilities.

Survival being focused on being in melee isn’t so bad, I wish we had more 2h spells, kill command could probably be replaced by something else imo. And I would like to see some 2h combos or something, maybe like a meteor javelin or something along those lines. And a Bazooka cooldown that basically uses explosive shot animations but is a charged cast time and ranged ability.

Also I would like to see more spear lunge usage which feels fun to engage fights like that so making that reset on kills would be awesome baseline.

Serpent sting could be replaced by bleeds or magical dots from your bombs if they make the bomb build baseline which is something I hope they do for dragonblight.

Survival is nice to have a cool pet and a mail user fighting beside it. It just feels cool, and it allows my hunter to use the nice 2h sword/polearm/axe/staff mogs I have collected and weapon enchants. And she enjoys using the magic for her nightborne racial, one of the few specs that uses magic as hunter right now.

Putting the old SV play-style, talents, and abilities into MM, means leaving out MM play-style, talents and abilities.
That’s why not.


I think that’s silly… hunters aren’t just bow/gun wielding people, I loved the addition of a melee spec when I was playing hunter… problem was they removed Survival which I was a fan of. What they should have done is change BM to the melee spec, then keep Survival. That’s just me tho.

Edit: Do you really need 3 ranged specs… variety dude.

You are aware that BM players are just a big a fan of ‘not being melee’ as you were when you played RSV, right? I do love this tacit acknowledgement that something was taken from players. ‘Yeah it sucked to have my spec replaced, so it should have happened to another spec that I don’t play because i don’t care about those players lol’.

Remember, approx half of all WoW players don’t touch organized group content. Across the whole population, there are more BM players than there were RSV and MM combined. If we didn’t want to be melee in Classic - and we didn’t - or in TBC or WOTLK or Cata or MoP or WoD why would legion have been the magic bullet that made us go ‘most of us picked this spec because we liked being a ranger with a pocket tank but what we REALLY wanted was to be a mail-wearing rogue-a-like with a cat hanging around for no real reason.’

People keep bringing Rexxar up in this thread as a melee beastmastery icon and justification for forcing melee upon beastmastery players ingame. Lore characters are not supposed to map 1:1 to player classes and frequently have abilities that do not match ingame classes. Heck, for most of WoW Sylvanas was a marksman hunter who didn’t use a pet, which was a major dps loss up until WoD introduced lone wolf. If you’re going to keep banging the Rexxar drum, I expect to see you in the priest forums just as often demanding that one of the priest specs get replaced entirely by a sword-using, plate-armour wearing spec a la Anduin Wrynn, and I expect the priest forum inhabitants to react appropriately.

Good question! And yet strangely, one that literally never gets asked of rogues or mages or warlocks.

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I don’t honestly care what they are a fan of, that’s not the opinion of all hunter players, doubt it’s even the majority… but, this is an opinion thread, or am I wrong? I don’t play hunter anymore though.

You don’t speak for all us… I was playing hunter throughout TBC and WOTLK, didn’t play classic, because classic well… sucked. I completely ignored BM as well because it’s a boring spec. Again, my opinion. I wanted to see BM changed, because it was a boring spec to play. Melee BM would have been probably far better than the current BM.

Mage and Warlock are casters… no one is worried about them being melee. Rogue, ain’t a fan of to begin with… but at the end of the day outlaw has some hybridization to it.

It means the ones complaining act like survival was this perfect spec back in the day. Which it wasn’t. It was a mess. Just that it had it moments being flavor of the month.

Current survival operates far smoother in comparison.

No one said anything was perfect, but the ranged version was far better than what they have now. A spec that uses a melee weapon who relies on a ranged ability to do their damage with a couple of pet skills taken from the pet spec for good measure. That is the mess, not the old version.


Dont worry about them, its the same 4-5 hunters from the hunter forum that actively seek out any thread concerning survival so they can lament :laughing:

I haven’t seen this many survival hunters getting around all expac, it’s a good thing.

Year of the spear, get on board


Yeah, having a dead spec propped up by an unbalanced tier set bonus is a good thing… :upside_down_face:


Yeh :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s amazing. I said this over a year ago:

And goblin boy came running. Same condescending attitude towards people who like current Survival and other melee specs, same neurotic obsession with writing walls of text, different thread. Before that, the thread hadn’t been touched in over a week; he specifically bumped it to piss and moan about me saying that I wanted the ranged Survival crowd to pipe down.

After his terrible pitch to “fix” current Survival (letting it switch between melee and ranged through a single talent), I gave up trying to take him seriously when he suggested letting other classes transmog the Survival artifact appearances if hunters themselves aren’t using them.

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I tried playing Survival, and just couldn’t wrap my brain around it. There’s so many freaking melee classes already, it makes no sense.

Oddly enough I find Surv one of the easiest melee to play


Funny it’s exactly the same thing when it was range whenever they buff explosive shot