Survival Hunter and pet

I had PVE content in mind when I made my first post. Elite Mobs do take some killing, but they’re not people. Mobs will chase my pet. Pesky people might not bother.

I am quite aware.

Then you are aware of how important having the pet is then, and therefor the dmg and would not be effected minimally.

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Don’t be so literal. This was a bit of tongue in cheek. You just wear yourself out.

Misinformation is just misinformation.


anyone who plays this class will know without thinking too hard into it. You seem to be the exception. Be better.

Weird thing to say when you’re wrong, but hey do you boo.


So you think people cannot read talent options? Interesting.

Two pets and dual wielding should be default survival behavior. Instead of arms warrior with less utility and a pet. Give us the feral spirits + enhancement sort of vibe, and get rid of or fix feral spirits to be less rng for enhancement, they hate the way it works for them anyway.

Survival has stolen enough from BM as it is.

How about not designing Survival around what other classes are doing. Remind yourself that it is meant to be a Hunter spec.


Remind yourself that MSV is a hunter spec.


Meant to be a Hunter spec. Just so. More often than not, I think of it as a melee spec.
The enormously different combat style when compared to MM and BM, it’s like it’s another Class.
Back to pet. MM have the Lone Wolf gimee, a 10% damage buff when operating w/o a pet. Supposedly, MM’s pets do around 10% of the Hunter’s damage. It is a significant chunk, but the pet’s real worth is it shields me from damage, and takes my aggro. Does MSV’s pet perform a similar function?

Says the guy that wants it to be the ranged dot spec again.

It actually does. My pet does a lot of tanking when I roll survival, especially in torghast. I honestly feel like my pet lasts a bit longer in survival vs. mm or bm for some reason, maybe the mastery heal?


Mastery; Spirit Bond. I know it as Spirit Bond, and used it during WoD. Right now, it’s not available to MM. I am sure you’re right, it would help.
Can your pet hold aggro on multiple mobs? My pet cannot, so I have to be careful pulling 3 or more mobs, a big AoE pull w/o a friendly Tank around would be pretty hazardous.

Bm stole it from Rexxar. (Melee hunter)
Heck, a lot of bm identity was taken from a melee hunter…


You good sir, just opened a can of worms with that comment.


Still true though

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