Survival Hunter? An irony

“A base kit riddled with holes that force you to play a specific cookie cutter build to even make this thing somewhat work.”

Do you actually play SV? its actually quite diverse, latent poison aoe build, bombs aoe build, mongoose bite cooridinate assault build, and theres more nuance choice in the talents, WFI is very engaging, like…its more diverse in possibility then a lot of other specs, I really enjoy survival the way it plays currently,

The only request I have is to make sure it is competitive dps wise in the current content.

Your opinion is yours but you do not speak for all of us


Its the only DPS spec I play anymore.

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what? those 8 players in there incessantly whining about it while thousands of other SV hunter players ARENT in there complaining?
its not a problem when less than 1% are tossing a fit of whatever sort.


If you are gonna try to counter my argument at least try to say something intelligent instead of copy-pasting half of a sentence of my words to fit your imaginary narrative. I have never said I want current melee survival to be replaced or deleted.

Yes I do, and that is why I want its issues to be fixed. right now those builds you spoke of all exist because azerite, essences and corruption bandaid our spec into a working thing. All of those things are going to dissapear in shadowlands and hey, maybe the new systems will do the same and bandaid our issues but wouldnt you preffer if the core of the spec worked nicely without the need of borrowed power?

Glad that we agree on this, I never claimed I was the collective mind of all hunters given form, I am just me, I speak my own opinions because I can speak freely. I respect that you believe we have no issues. respect that I believe we do, and then we can have a polite conversation about it instead of pointing fingers at each other.


oddly its only those of you who love ranged that are complaining about MSV from what I see…and Im not supposed to think its related ? :slight_smile:
The spec needs to be its own thing and stop borrowing crap like Kill Command from BM…other than that its fine.

Again stop trying to put words into my mouth when I literally have shown that is not the case. If you are going to lie or troll, why don’t try harder?

Good that we agree on something, I do not want Melee Survival to disappear, But I want to be fixed and updated. Issues like the weird scaling on serpent sting, or having so many integral stuff to the spec being stuck as talents when they should be baseline, Thats what I want.

If Ranger Survival ever comes back, It should be as a fourth spec, it should NOT replace Melee survival because those who love it, deserve to keep what they enjoy.


lol. Just remove all the hunter abilities. That makes sense.

It should have been it’s own CLASS to begin with. There is room for a hybrid melee/range class (aka Ranger). They didn’t need to steal it from those who played so they could satisfy some urge to contribute to the game at the expense of those players.

Ranged Survival should have never been removed.


sorry…MM has Kill command? Oooooh thats right…it doesnt but its still a hunter spec :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

but it was. and here we are.
SV IS a hybrid spec if you take the Butchery talent…and I do. Best of both worlds.

Sad but true. The chances of Ranged Survival coming back are low to none so I won’t die on this hill.

I’m not asking for Ranged Survival to come back, I am asking for Melee Survival to get the sorely needed updates it needs, and I am also complaining that Survival is the only spec in the game that has yet to recieve even one update throughout alpha and beta.

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I honestly don’t know why more people don’t play it… I got mine to 120, got some Benthic gear and I think I managed to get a new weapon, and was killing things left and right no problem, easiest class to do the cloak quest and assaults so far. Survival Hunter pumps!

Oh, and I wasn’t using the meta build either, basically made a kill command build with what I had.

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I actually like SV right now…andthe last time I got excited for a hunter spec blizzard decided to trash it…so I kinda like the idea that they NOT mess with it instead of doing it just because you want them to and I end up hating the result.
Some times it really is better to just leave the sleeping dog lie.

I respect that you like how SV is currently, and I am okay with it, you have the right to love it as you are your own person

You should maybe respect that I have a different opinion and then maybe we can discuss like decent people.

Survival is a melee spec in a class with 2 ranged specs, just by that it will be unpopular in general, Survival also has less utility in pve than the other specs. It also suffers from being clunky (but it shares that with MM too)

It’s dps is fine thou. which I believe showcases that the real issue of Survival is not that is weak but that is clunky and in need of some mechanical fixes.


you can have any opinion you want. Wanting them to start monkeying around with SV is where it IS my business because I have to live with whatever crap they end up pulling.
you can figure that out, i assume.

Come on then, give me a counterpoint to my argument.

I have the right to complain and freely say what I beleive in this forums and you have the right to say why you think I am wrong.

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stop playing victim. If you havent got anything more to add, we’re done here.

The problem with serpent sting is that it doesn’t interact with haste like almost every other dot does. Usually you have a dot that lasts X seconds and ticks every Y seconds. When you get haste, Y gets reduced but X doesn’t, so you get more ticks for every cast and therefor more damage. Serpent sting Y gets reduced, but the amount of ticks stays the same, so X also gets reduced. So the more haste you get, the less time it lasts.

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I don’t know, so far all you have done is whine about why my opinion is irrelevant without giving any context to it

At least Odezzy had the decency of showing his counterpoint to mine with actual information instead of just veiled insults like you do

Good, bye bye! :kissing_heart:


Survival is one of the strongest PvP specs atm. Just because your skill cap is BM facerolling doesn’t mean everyone else’s is.

I have never spoken about Survival being weak or strong, I actually did point out that I do not beleive the issue with Survival is its DPS or current strengh.

Do please take a time to actually read what I have written, reading for 5 minutes won’t kill you.


Right, because BM is such a creative spec.