Survival Hunter? An irony

God playing without 120 is going to feel so awful…

I hate you for reminding me of this…I am so acustom to it that I sometimes blissfully forget is an azerite trait… :disappointed_relieved:


Which is part of the issue; most of the other specs are getting interesting tuning effects for their abilties and what not, while Survival seems to have gotten… access to abilties none of us who like the spec actually wanted (because morons kept demanding it go back to being a ranged style because :man_shrugging:)

My hope is that theirs going to be something coming down the pipe to help this Lovable derp machine viable.


Exactly! we are literally the only spec that has not recieved any mechanical change.

No Talent Changes.

No baseline Changes. nothing nada.

I am not asking for a rework like Shadow priests, because we do not need it. We just need some direly needed quiality of life changes and tiny updates to smooth out our rotation to compensate for the lack of the azerite traits


I think the one thing that would help most in a post BFA environment (no essences, azerite or corruptions) would be for the dev team to reduce the GCD for survival and increase focus generation. Doing so wouldn’t change our baseline abilities or talents, but it would let my crazy highmountain tauren more smoothly push out the dots and mongoose strikes to improve damage output.

I think things like :

  • getting Serpent Sting to interact with haste the same way all other dots in the game do instead of the weird way it currently does
  • Making baseline 2 stacks of kill command so that we aren’t forced to throw a talent on that if we do not want to waste Kill Command Reset Procs all the darn time.

Would help as some first steps, getting increased focus regen or making the 120 max focus baseline also would be nice but I wouldn’t expect it

2 stacks of Kill Command Baseline would help overall with more focus as we would waste less procs and also by freeing our first talent row so we could get another addition from it.

Having Serpent Sting work with haste the same way as others dots do would make so we aren’t forced to use it more often as we get more haste which would give us a net gain in focus that we can spend somehwere else too.


Actually, Seperating some of the GCD’s would be another way to do it; if we were to put Serpents sting and bombs on their own shared GCD while Co-ordinated had none would mean that we could more quickly get into the action with mongoose (which is so ubiquitious they might as well make it a straight upgrade for raptor’s strike instead of a talent).

Like I don’t think the class is that far off from being really viable, they just need to fiddle with the internal mechanics a bit and it can be a real contender.

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Instead… Mage should with Golems. :hot_pepper:

As far as OP, melee hunter will always suck compared to hunter hunter because there’s no trade-off to the added security and target access for being a ranged class. Once upon a time, melee could parse slightly better but I think that’s frowned on today.

This distinction doesn’t even make sense. BM and SV have practically the same interaction with their pet; especially given that the SV interaction is practically lifted from BM.

This would absolutely be worse than strictly melee.

Catching up on Survival changes I missed I’m happy they caught the Focus Regen problem but the rest of the changes overall seem really terrible and my original complaint was expanded upon.

Instead of removing roadblocks and making Mongoose Bite baseline they just added more barriers to Survival feeling more fluid and smooth by bringing back Hunter’s Mark and then a second roadblock by it being on the gcd. As a melee it just doesn’t flow very well and feels clunkier which is an impressive feat in itself to how bfa survival played.

In fact it’s practically identical to bfa and I don’t see any changes, it’s just slower now with an extra GCD per mob maintenance.

Is WedNeSdAY mY dUdEs!!!

Let’s all hold hands, sing kumbaya and pray so the elder Blizzard gods forgive our sins today and give Survival an update!

Kumbayaaaaaaaaa gets shot in the head

Another build and all we get is a nerf to Hunter’s Mark LOL! no Survival changes at all!


Or they’re preparing a big rework like shadow priest or they don’t care about SV at all…

I personally do no think we need a rework of that magnitude but god, anithing at this point would be nice…

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I’d take a reversion to legion survival at this point, current bfa survivals is about as enjoyable as a peanut butter sandwich on a humid summer day


So much this. I will never understand or like the changes to survival from Legion to BFA. At least back then there it worked and it felt good. I actually had FUN and ENJOYED myself while playing my favorite class. They should just of kept what it had and expanded on it. If I could have a talk with the person from Blizz in charge of Survival spec, we would have -words-, stern words. Still hope they give this thread some attention and hope for some proper changes. I check wowhead every day in hopes of seeing some major changes to this spec but my hope is running out.

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they’re just now finally getting around to addressing windwalkers so who knows, we might get a little attention from the devs but I don’t really expect anything on the scale of shadowpriest reworks

Worst part is with a lot of ideas thrown in here, you’d think it would be easy for them to rework this spec. Hell as much as I love melee hunter, Id take range survival over this.(and I say this with a heavy heart)

Melee survival was suppose to have those Rexxar vibes, they almost had it down to a tee in Legion. (Throwing Axes > ridiculous little hand crossbow.)

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I check in occasionally on this thread.

Lots of good stuff in here, and the OP has done a great job of not getting distracted while keeping the thread on point.

Maybe one day they will get around to a revamp and I’ll pick up Hunter again and give it a try.

Its time bois. Class changes starting to dropping off now. Its now or never!!

and it’s never… LUL

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Is it really? It’s my offspec and I use it a lot whenever I need a pet to tank.

Melee Survival ok to screw around with, but since I hate BM and prefer range I am Marks by default. They really should make it so you can build a ranged like old survival pet and kite or be a marksman.

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