Survival got shafted 1000%

lol Watching every spec get something brand new and/or rework…

Survival is just sitting there outside pawing at the window hoping to get inside. But you know you can’t let outside stranger dogs in the house even though you know it’s cute/cuddle looking. You want to take care of it but your parents (Blizzard dev team) says, “No, we can’t afford it.”

^^^This is how it feels right now.


I feel a little shafted because this expansion my guild feels like they need another melee, but the roster is full so I was going to take that spot, but I also want to keep playing my hunter. Not sure I want to go with SV as is so I guess I’ll reroll.

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The biggest problem was the spec breaking bug that just got fixed that prevented proper testing.

That puts the spec weeks behind in balancing and tuning

While it’s unlikely there are big changes coming, there’s still hope that they can at least get the spec to the point where it’s playable and can contribute.

Obviously, if you’re in a true progression guild, survival, along with another 8-10 other specs, was unlikely to make the cut anyway, but for those of us who are the average wow player, there had been hopes that survival would be at least decent


I feel like I went through all the stages of grief… Denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance… And to be honest, I am now perfecty fine with it.

I didn’t go into checking what sort of legendaries etc we can get since we will always pick the top dps ones anyway so it does not matter, but I am happy that the core gameplay is still exactly the same and we now just got some extra power for pvp where engaging in close combat is death sentence.

Its nice that some of the less used talents got a boost (butchery, tip, steel trap) they all have their uses and now might be even more so used. So… Yay!

Still hate mini xbow though…


Keeping with what’s become a Survival Tradition since Warlords of Draenor.


Tbh, wanna fix all this? Just rewind the time back to MoP Survival Hunter and everyone will be happy blizz.


If only it was that easy and true

At this point, it would be a mistake to remove MSV.

How would it be a mistake? Barely anyone plays it.


Regardless of how few people play it, there are still people who play it and enjoy it and there are better options than just flat our removing it.


Ya I’m also perfectly fine with survival being benched for the 3rd expansion in a row.


Much like I’m perfectly fine with you whining and offering nothing constructive.

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Thank you, I appreciate you being perfectly fine with me being perfectly fine.

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As long as we’re all fine

Because we all know how it feels, it feels like crap to have something you enjoy deleted.


I was not benched in either of those though

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Blizzard really needs to do something about bringing RSV back some how for that community. Whether it be through talents or a 4th spec.

Hoping to sabotage a spec because you don’t like it is pretty selfish tbh.

So many RSV people just want to watch melee survival die without any improvements so they can go back to playing survival “MM with dots”

Blizzard made the right decision and I hope rsv never comes back


This notion needs to die. RSV was never “MM with dots”. Please stop repeating it like it’s true just because the game director is an idiot.

This still baffles me. Why do MSV players expect someone who doesn’t like melee to suggest improvements to a melee spec?


I’m an RSV fanboy and I want MSV to also not suck. I want either a talent or 4th spec to resolve this problem we all seem to suffer from.