Survival Covenant choice?

Hey, fellow hunters! I’m one of the few that still loves survival (even though it could use some serious attention, like making MB baseline) and I was wondering what y’all think about covenant choices?

Story-wise, I want my character to go Venthyr, but I’ve read that the ability does absolutely nothing for our spec and doesn’t fit with the rotation. Is Kyrian legit the only option for us, even after the Pelagos nerf?

What do y’all think?

Those bads are wrong, Venthyr is 100% viable and RNGeesus on your side can do 3 times the damage that the other covenant abilities do, and the teleport is great. 99% of the info you’re hearing are just echoing what they read on icy veins or some other Walmart brand guide.


Venthyr 100%

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I’m going ven still

The ability is really fun, kill shot damage slaps and the teleport gives you so many mobility options

It can be a little lame when you don’t get a proc but if you get 2 procs you feel like a god


I like kyrian, venthyr is awesome but I’ve had enough of the rng. Plus being an arena player being able to aspect of the eagle through walls is so good!

Can you use the Venthyr port while casting aimed shot like a fire mage?

I am still on the fence about Kyrian, Venthyr and even Necro. If I know Blizzard what sucks today will be BIS 4 weeks after launch.

They aren’t going to stop nerfing or buffing covenants. Go with what u like aesthetically so I’ll have more fun. I’m going night fae on my troll because reviving loa is a trolls dreams. I do more mythics and bgs then anything else so an aoe ability is going to be good for them. (For bgs cause of big groups)

You do you bro and have fun!!! Just started playing surivial again and I’m in love having a Blast!!!

I’ll try to give you a quick summary of what you get from each covenant

Numerically Kyrian is your best option (I think, may have changed after the pelagos nerf)
This will give you a very meaty AoE cooldown that will combo very nicely with your legendary for wild fire bomb
It’s also got good application arena so you can hit targets through walls
The heal is also decent and the little minion can make you a shop if you run out of invent space and let you change talents

Necrolords is a pretty stable pick
It does alright damage and will also give you a bit of focus back for your goose bite windows incase your kill command doesn’t refresh
I also believe you can cast flash craft in turtle

Nightfae is the only one I felt was a bit meh but the damage is decent enough and the Fox ability is a very good mobility tool

Venthyr (my preferred one)
Sadly this got nerfed pretty hard, however haste is our primary stat and the dot scales with haste now I believe which will give you more chances at the kill shot proc
This ability can be the worst or sometimes the best
If you get two procs or kill shot you get some very meaty burst and kill shot scales with our mastery and crit rating too
You can do a wild burst combo if you get a proc and throw both bombs with the wildfire legendary
The teleport is also pretty wild, it’s really good in almost all situations and can give us access to an AoE CC ability, or you can teleport twice with it which can be really fun

Overall they are all pretty decent, you’ll get to play around with them whilst levelling and you should know which one your favourite is by the end of it
If not you’ll be able to pick based on your preference of other reasons and not get left behind

Keep in mind though if you play BM at all venthyr gets slightly less benefit because they don’t get damage boosted by haste


Anyone know which covenent Dillon and Soulscape are goin?

I’m going Nightfae for pure aesthetics. I’m casual so I have to like what I look like and who I side with. It’ll either be them or Kyrian since I feel the LoS on that arrow is kinda amazing. But we’ll see

Apparently it’s the best one

Your choice in style paid off ha

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