Survival buffs and Wailing Arrow nerf in latest PTR build

Survival: Flanking Strike (18% increased damage), Mongoose Bite (13.5% increased damage), and Raptor Strike (15% increased damage) all received a buff. Wailing Arrow was added to their abilities (although it still requires the weapon to use). It’s not much but at least some attention is being brought to the spec.

Wailing Arrow received a nerf (once again, they just want to make this ability worthless don’t they?).

Old: 225% attack power to the target, 75% attack power to the surrounding enemies, and stun lesser creatures for 6 seconds.

New: 92.5% attack power to the target, 37.5% attack power to the surrounding enemies, and stuns lesser creatures for 5 seconds.

However, it seems to cost no focus now, and have a 100 yard range (instead of 40). Although it’s confusing because some say 40 yard range, some say 2 second cast with a 15 focus cost. Some say instant with no focus. There are 3 in the list and I don’t know which one to trust in that regard. The damage is consistent, though.

Huge nerf. Reminds me of the (unneeded) Flayed Shot nerf that took its damage down to nothing.

No other changes in the latest build.

Info taken from:


Actual (non-datamined) patch notes have been released and the numbers are slightly different.

The following only affects Survival. The Kill Command buff only seems to be Survival’s Kill Command.

Raptor Strike damage increased by 15%.
Kill Command damage increased by 15%.
Mongoose Bite (Talent) damage increased by 15%.
Flanking Strike (Talent) damage increased by 15%.

In addition they made some pet changes. Trample from the Mammoth Family is now instant cast (instead of a channeling spell). And the Pterrordax Family have received a new ability: Updraft: “Your pet beats its powerful wings, slowing the fall speed of both itself and the hunter for 30 seconds.”

The official notes do not include the changes to Wailing Arrow.


15% seems fair, they really needed help single target. Mongoose windows gonna let us get some damage pumping now.


My thought is if they happen to buff the focus generation on our necrolord covenant ability would necro be the best for mongoose bite?

Additionally I saw a kill command 15% somewhere as well.

  • [Survival Hunter]
    Increases damage/healing by 5%: A Murder of Crows, Arcane Shot, Butchery, Carve, Chakrams, Death Chakram, Flanking Strike, Harpoon, Kill Command, Kill Shot, Mongoose Bite, Raptor Strike, Serpent Sting, Steady Shot, Steel Trap, Terms of Engagement, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Bomb Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: A Murder of Crows, Arcane Shot, Butchery, Carve, Chakrams, Death Chakram, Flanking Strike, Harpoon, Kill Command, Kill Shot, Mongoose Bite, Raptor Strike, Serpent Sting, Steady Shot, Steel Trap, Terms of Engagement, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Bomb Hunter - Survival Spec. Hunter - Survival Spec.

Also in the notes.

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That was just datamined on MMO Champion. Actual patch notes on the 9.1 boards do not show the 5% aura increase.

Interesting to know whether they actually intend to add that and forgot to include it in the patch notes or what.

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Feeling like about 6-7% overall ST buff. Maybe more if MB starts looking better.

Work more buff!

Well it is good because do you want your only buff to be linked to using a weapon?

Now they can go ahead and buff MM and BM properly

I have updated the original post with the official non-datamined numbers which seem to be slightly different.

I said that in my original post when I mentioned that Wailing Arrow was added to Survival’s abilities, however the bow still needs to be equipped to use the ability).

Not seeing the aura increase on the data mined info, unless I’m seeing it wrong or I’m not understanding what you’re saying (which honestly could just be me, haha).

  • Survival Hunter Increases damage/healing by 5%: A Murder of Crows, Arcane Shot, Butchery, Carve, Chakrams, Death Chakram, Flanking Strike, Harpoon, Kill Command, Kill Shot, Mongoose Bite, Raptor Strike, Serpent Sting, Steady Shot, Steel Trap, Terms of Engagement, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Bomb Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: A Murder of Crows, Arcane Shot, Butchery, Carve, Chakrams, Death Chakram, Flanking Strike, Harpoon, Kill Command, Kill Shot, Mongoose Bite, Raptor Strike, Serpent Sting, Steady Shot, Steel Trap, Terms of Engagement, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Bomb Hunter - Survival Spec. Hunter - Survival Spec.

Front page of MMO champ below the official notes from earlier today.

So, it doesn’t say a 5% aura buff but considering the datamine showed a 5% on pretty much every survival ability, sort of treating it as such for the contexts of discussion.

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Yep. It was me who was stupid. I read that entire wall of text as “We added Wailing Arrow to the aura” completely missing the 5% increase at the very beginning. I’m dumb haha.

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Just my opinion, the wailing arrow with no cd dmg tuned down and realistically speaking 40yrd range, would be welcome in my BM rotation.

When engaging a pack of mobs after multi-shot would be a nice filler for that 4 second window we have because of Beast Cleave to use instead of countinued single target rotation. Would give BM better feel.

When was this again I forgot

It was during the Shadowlands Beta. I can’t find a blue post regarding it, but I found this post on Icy Veins.

They really just don’t want to put any effort into survival at all, oh well I guess it will do

Even though it just once again makes us have little to no need for serp string

Hm… Now one will need to wonder if it is actually worth using serpent sting

Serpent sting will still do more dmg per focus then a Raptor Strike/Mongoose bite so we still have to use it, I just wish it was lasting for 16sec instead of 12sec so it fit better with Mongoose bite buff duration.


Dang. I really dislike using it on more than 2 mobs in aoe :confused: so unsatisfying to press