I’m a 43 year old veteran player looking for a group of like-minded players to get raid content down efficiently on sort of a aotc-style schedule.
I do like to raid, but I’m not pushing like I used to. I’m not going for orange parses. I just want to have fun. I do try hard, come fully enchanted and gemmed and come with full consumables – but make no mistake I’m not interested in 30 minute coach talks after wipes.
I can appreciate a group of people who show up on time, ready to go, still having fun but – not making a job out of it. I’ll do better with those who respect other people’s time, aren’t AFK’ing in the middle of group activities.
I’ve been away from the game for a few months, I needed to take a step back to think about what my connection to the game is. I just enjoy playing and raiding and completing things. But the guilds that were advertising were way too hard up for #1 parsing roles, and that’s just not me anymore. I was having zero fun in a guild that was top 25 on the server.
So, I hope this post doesn’t come off too dry or snarky. I’m a very friendly person, always helping others, I have several classes at 80 including tanks/heals and dps and willing to play what the guild needs. I have a good rig and great microphone and I know how to use discord and I only use push-to-talk. I respect others audio space!
I’m available pretty much all the time, but don’t want to stay up too late, so 12am EST (11pm Central) is my cutoff time for raids. No exceptions.
Thank you.
Btag geekingout#11134
Discord geekingoutwithg