Surrendering IRL 8/8M 5/9M

Surrendering IRL 8/8M 5/9M

About us:
Our goal is to get cutting edge for every raid tier. Our guild leadership is made up of former players with experience running top 25 US guilds. We take a calculated but laid back approach to mythic raiding. We place a premium on finding people who can execute their class and fights mechanically while understanding the value of being able to just have fun raiding. We are not a grind it out, senseless chain pull for rng type of guild. Most of our kills are well below the average pull count for first kill. We will take the time to identify and adjust to fix issues during raid.

Who are we looking for:
Consistent players who are looking to clear mythic raids while relaxing and having fun both in and out of raids and the game. Willingness to maximize raid effectiveness and look for ways to constantly improve are crucial to being able to progress at a consistent rate.

We do not recruit for bench

Specific high needs classes;


Lesser Needs;

Experience players as dps classes

When do we raid:
We raid Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9p-12a CST (server time).

Requirements to raid:
High attendance
Researching strategies before the raid
Appropriate consumables for your role
Ability to quickly implement changes specified by raid leaders
Voice chat (Discord)

Contacts & Application:
Brongon#1270 if you have questions

Join us! I’ve been raiding with Brongon since EN and it’s been a great time.