Surprising to see MM buffed

This is the most asinine thing about sub rogue to have to deal with for any class. NE sub rogue for even more irritation.

He didnā€™t say that not a caster ā†’ no mana, only that no mana ā†’ not a caster.

Homie Im well awareā€¦ it was a joke

thats why i say hey man nice shot

Iā€™ll take your word. My mistake, I didnā€™t read it as one.

Edit: these jokes within jokes within jokes these daysā€¦ really have to read between the lines. Or at least be a very frequent forum regular. Just waiting to trap the unwary. Well, at least it is evident Iā€™m a novice at forum pvp.

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iā€™ll hold my breath for bm to be bad first then

All good man no hard feelings

MM feels awful this patch with the crit changes, and these buffs arenā€™t a good direction. Makes the manageable match-ups more skewed, and changes little against the matchups weā€™re getting wrecked on.

They really need to change aimed shots insane cast time, then turn True Shot into a legitimate offensive CD, or add a secondary minor offensive CD instead.


MM players wont

If youā€™re solely playing arena, youā€™re not noticing it as much. If youā€™re playing BGs, itā€™s going to be noticeable. Arena thereā€™s hardly any kiting room, not to mention everyone can just chase and get into melee range in .1 second. While Iā€™m waiting a full year to get aimed shot off. Totally a BG spec pvp wise, doesnā€™t help rated BGs are just butt, and randoms give no meaningful rewards outside

Sad part is that arena gets 2000% more attention than the better game modes such as BGs. So it makes it feel useless in the long term concerning pvp. So people will chose melee or other caster specs that can keep-up. A good hunter can deal with it, but you can only do so much.

They need to make Bgs actually worth while again outside of the fun factor.

If BGs got tuning passes then MM would be one of the first things hit with the orbital cannon.

They can rework rated battlegrounds without having to adjust classes. Thereā€™s more than one ranged dps or turrent spec that does well in bgs.

Itā€™d be nice, because arena style gameplay imo is boring in WoW, and better elsewhere. Ive tried it years ago and I still canā€™t get into WoW arena. Iā€™d rather watch paint dry.

Plain and simple, marks just lacks depth. Itā€™s too one dimensional. It has been this way since the rework going into BFA. There is no logical way to tune the existing kit to where it really fits anywhere in the arena meta.

Hunter is incredibly squishy by design. It has a good base micro cc kit with tar root, steel trap, scatter, intim, and trap for CC and selfpeel. Historically, SV and MM get more utility buttons than BM, because BM is able to overcome a lot more simply due to the fact that it can use all of its buttons to do peak damage/utility while completely mobile. SV has harpoon and a disarm, and MM has bursting shot knock. Simply put, bursting shot has been a sub-par utility button ever since it had itā€™s disorient effect removed.

Where BM can be hyper mobile and still accomplish the basic hunter role, marks has to plant and cast to get a good portion of its damage off. Where melee canā€™t commit to following BM around the entire arena because theyā€™ll eventually get too far away/out of los of their healer and die to damage, they can vs mm, because marks (and hunter by design) cannot ever just facetank a melee to cast and do damage.

This is why the damage tuning is just kind of stupid, and Rawrzy summarized it perfectly: it just makes the already manageable matchups even better, and doesnā€™t really do anything for the impossible matchups. Personally, Iā€™d much rather see the addition of a new mechanic like bursting disorient or some kind of parry/dodge mechanic added to rapidfire or something that could be useful. Slapping more damage on the already high-damage glass cannon is just going to bring about more complaints about the cheesiest aspects of the spec.

Side note: This is what myself and many others predicted would happen with the removal of doubletap. The base damage of aimed shot and rapidfire are going to have to be +tuned high enough to where the hunter is always dangerous in lieu of that mechanic. At least when doubletap was a thing, you had a distinct moment in time against the marks hunter where telegraphed abilities were being pressed in order before the big moment, so you could potentially avoid or counter it. This season, youā€™ve now got 125% effectiveness aimed, rapid, and arcane shot in tandem with a set bonus that increases damage and proc rate of its spikiest burst proc, deathblow. Nothing about this is going to end well, and itā€™s just not the spec people want to play or play against.


Current MM feels really bad honestly. You used to win PVP situations with your CC and burst windows. Now you literally donā€™t have meaningful burst and everybody just reaches you or immunes your CC somehow.

Bring back Double Tap as a PVP talent. We donā€™t care if it will be a guaranteed slot. Spec needs something new.

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MM def not bad, I remember having to port behind pillars after getting AMā€™d for 2/3 my HP, this will only get worse.

Only reason why MM isnā€™t popular rn is because BM is easier to play and do well on.