Surprised we have not had any news

I bet they made him sign a NDA before kicking him out the door. It would however be awesome if he chose to unload all he knows about the project on twitter.

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Based on other things, it seems the NDA Blizzard uses provides a way for former employees to get permission to release information to the public. So he could still throw something together, run it past whomever remains at Blizzard, get the okay to share, and put it out somewhere online on his own. But I’m not so sure how inclined he is towards working for free in promoting a product for an employer that just summarily terminated his employment.


Don’t play dumb. We both know there are FAR more people interested in Classic than BFA at the moment.

He’s dead, Jim.

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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Dont people want it do be “incomplete and buggy” like it was at launch? Or do you mean perfect the bugs to replicate Vanila?

Unless you don’t live in the states, then it’s normal patch progression as it was back in the day.

I mean that they’re rebuilding the game from the Legion client. Which means there are new bugs that can be introduced, or bugs overlooked that existed in Legion. Not to mention, there were items in the demo that still had the modern stat format, so pushing the release up before it’s done could mean some of these items still fall through the cracks. Regen values were also wrong on the demo. There are so many things they need to compare to how they worked (or even if they existed in the first place) back then, that a rushed release schedule would greatly affect their ability to do so.