Surprise 30 day restriction with no reimbursement?

Yea, I’m actually 43 right now but I guess the forums don’t update. I don’t know what to tell you, your game isn’t hard. I’ve played a lot of RuneScape and Diablo 4, so I’m quite familiar with grinding/no-lifing.

I just saw this post which explains the restrictions. Seems they are not as bad as people are making them out to be. Your friends can still give you things (like bags) You just can’t participate in the economy yourself in those first 30 days.

I’m 99% sure this is incorrect and a lot of people have been saying that in these forums, but I don’t have any friends to verify that. Pretty sure you can’t even mail your own alts items for banking, etc.

I literally just linked a blue post which explains the restrictions, and you can have things given to you.

I guess I’m wrong on that but you still need to have established friends in the game for that to matter. I should be able to buy bags, mats, and pots from the AH. It’s still a pretty harsh restriction having to vendor everything.

Why are you doing this to yourself if you don’t like the company and/or game? And have no friends that play.

I like the game, that’s the problem. I want to be able to play 100% of the game. I’m getting to the point where I want gear up for the two latest raids but am pretty hamstrung not being able to use the AH. I tried convincing my buddy to play but he wasn’t interested. I gave up trying to convince him once the new restriction rolled out. There’s no way in hell he’s going to want to play self-found.

Why do you need the AH to raid?

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Health pots, other buff pots, train First Aid (probably optional but I want to). Maybe look into enchants but I haven’t bothered yet since I can’t buy them anyway. I have 40 gold when I should have 400 from vendoring.

I’m not saying any of this is strictly required but I would like to be able to play the same way everyone else does.

Let me ask you, what do you use the AH for? Because you seem to think it’s an inconsequential aspect of gameplay. I’m sure you totally spend 10 hours griffoning around the world to farm everything you ever need.

Not just griffoning around but releveling all those professions each time you need to enchant something, then make some potions, then farm the mats for them.

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I never said anything of the sort. But honestly at this point. I don’t use the AH for anything important. Mail on the other hand I do mail myself stuff.

Fair, I did put words in your mouth but your question felt really rhetorical. I’m sure you can imagine why I want AH for raiding and any other late-game stuff.

Go away please.

Yep. We’re all botters. You right, bro. Keep that energy.

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If you’re not a botter, then you have started a second account to override the PvP server rules. Which is usually to cheese PvP rewards.

Yeah dude, because I saw people talking about Season of Discovery so I thought I’d give WoW a try. You have this terrible attitude towards new players and I bet you go on to complain about how your game has been consistently slowly dying for the last 2 decades.

No I have a very welcoming disposition to new players. I just don’t believe you.

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Decent trolling tbh

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lol gotcha