Surgeon Stitchflesh Abomination hooking player pets/minions

I am decently sure this is not intended and as such counts as a bug, seeing especially demonology warlock, unholy deathknight and beastmaster hunter have absolutely no movement control over their extra “summons”.

During Surgeon Stitchflesh bossfight within the Necrotic wake dungeon, players are supposed to bait the abominations to throw their hook towards Surgeon Stitchflesh, who, stays on his podium, immune to player damage. If done correctly, the abomination hooks the Surgeon and pulls him off the podium, making him vulnerable to player damage. However, if a player or another enemy is in the way, the hook instead grabs these instead.

Now one could just argument pet owners to command their pets to move away at the right time. However, this is, as stated above, not possible for extra summons and they tend to get hooked instead.

In addition to that, albeit unconfirmed, I feel like I also witnessed the hook hooking one of Xalataths “bargain orbs” as I call them, in case they are inbetween the abomination and the boss… Felt like mentioning this as well. Tough with how easy these are to get rid off with cc and interrupt abilities, I can understand that nothing will be done about these being hookable.

But I feel that the mechanic needs to be adjusted for pets so the hook ignores pets, or else the 3 mentioned classes and specs will have trouble defeating the boss in time in mythic.

Thanks for reading.

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My group and I thought we were crazy, but everything you said happens and it has bricked MANY of our keys because we have a DK with ghoul and Warlock with pets galore. It also does hit the affix orbs. This boss is nearly impossible without a petless comp and good timing or fast clearing of the affix.