Sure wish i could participate in the D4 crossover event

the new diablo 4 event has no guidance in game? other than asking in chat of those who are using outside resources to find the location and time for the goblin pop?

really disappointed that it is not an in game guidance system to help bring the event to everyone more readily. what an absolute disappointment, absolutely crushed :frowning:

Itโ€™s not overly complicated. Going based on the eastern time zone, the Goblin portal will spawn in Orgrimmar on the even hours (and the goblin will come out of the portal at 5 minutes after the hour.) Stormwind will be on the odd hours. On the half hours, the spawn will rotate through the Dragon Isles zones. (Those you probably need to use an outside source to keep track of, but I got the stuff I wanted just doing the Stormwind/Org ones โ€” you donโ€™t need to do them on a max level character.)