Suramar Story Night!

While traveling amongst your many adventures, you find a letter floating around, you grasp it curiously and read the following:

On behalf of Elves of the North. I am pleased to invite you all to Suramar City, the hearth of the Shal’dorei civilization.

Come and learn about our culture and history, share a story and get delighted with the taste of our marvelous Arcberry Juice. (I jumped on the berries myself!)

Friend or foe, doesn’t matter. Forget all about your problems and let’s have a good time sharing our stories around Azeroth (or beyond!)

-Magister Thelesia Listres

The paper seems to have a small glowing ball with purple glow floating around it, you touch it and an arcane hologram appears revelaing the location of this meeting,
as well as the time, it reads “9PM”


When: Friday, May 24th at 9PM
Where: Suramar City, in one of the platforms with cushions on the floor.

Ask me for an invite in game if you want to know the precise location, i’ll also upload a screenshot on both RP discords in case you’re alliance.

You’ll need Legion flying in order to get up there, in case you don’t have it we will glady help you.

Since i’m inviting both Horde and Alliance i’ve decided to turn warmode off for this one, to avoid any inconveniences.

Warmode OFF, Rp ON!

See you there!



Seriously, smart. /applaud


Oh my goodness… which story will Lohkawas tell? the pressure… Seriously, I just got out of work friday night… I hope to be here!


Warmode off? What’s that?

On a serious note I hope I can find the time to attend this


Remember: this friday! :slight_smile:

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Warmode off you say? These be ED my friend, so my warmode on button seems to be stuck.

I don’t want you to kill all alliance attendants on sight :slight_smile:
On a serious note: I wanted to make this crossfaction but sadly there’s no sanctuary in Suramar and i just want to have a peaceful night of storytelling and meeting people.
I knew you’d say that the moment i posted btw


Kill alliance? Me? I have no idea what you’re talking about.

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Tonight!!! Be ready with a story… and yeah, I know which one Lohkawas is going with :wink:

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