Suramar Horde Reconnections

Fenway - orc shaman
Reijek - undead warrior

Super late to this club but figured I’d take the long shot. Was in Sanctuary up until Wotlk when a group of us server transferred to chogall.

A few of you guys names look familiar. Just getting back into wow in general after a long break so I missed most the beginning search of old friends.

Hello all! Raided Onslaught, DI, and Indomitable. Left the US for AU, still married with kids who play now. We’re getting back into it, hit me up if you’re still around!

Hey Buzz whats up brother! Hope you’re doing well!! If you see this try and dm me so we can keep in touch!


Onus, I remember that guild, I did transfer servers though either at the start of BC or the start of Wrath. My rogue was Ichisan.

Posiedon and Jecht are familiar names.

Yes I did from heals to dps then tank…lol