Suramar Horde Reconnections

Lois!! I remember you from Oblite! Rose here still casually playing. Pretty neat to see you again.

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Darksol is still around, I’m Mikeh / Meeko do I know you?

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Where’s he playing these days? Its Jas

Hey Dian, this is Zouk from Fist.

Hargath here! Rattlin Bones UD warrior. Back to bug Eolith! See a lot of familiar names, missed you all. (Still talk to SPARX (Orc Shammy) if you have any well wishes, he was one of the high warlords in pvp)

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Looks like im joing Mankrik as Hargy.

Yeah for sure say hi ti Sparx for me! Spent many hours in the WSG’s with him heh.

Any way you can send me an in-game mail? Death is having trouble getting back on. He hasn’t forgotten!

I used to be Shimigami, undead rogue, known worldwide in Suramar for ganking Cornpotatoe with a broomatick. Original founding member of Anime Samurai and MSG unit.

I definitely remember Slrida, Gregg, Rucati, Mishmash. I still keep in contact with other Anime Samurai members in RL including Dat, Jessisca, Danho, Binhsta. Would love to reconnect with other Anime Samurai members so we can reroll the most elite PVP group.

Im on vacation right now but will be back on Thursday. Let me know what west coast server you folks rolling and ill make a character when i get back.


Look at all these old names!

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So many old names for sure. Cornpops with the broomstick. oh lawd.

Hey! Heritic the troll mage here. Some fun times with our lil pvp group.

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HeriticDemon Troll, Mage

Anyone from the OG Seventh Column with Tikitikitiki as the raid leader? Clearing MC, and BWL in SC is what i remember most from classic. Good times.

Ok so I’m on mankrik playing my shaman named Sureshock…hit me up

i remember you, I was in the same guild as lilly and fuss I was a Boomkin named Censured and was also a part time healer on him. The guild was maybe Redemption or maybe Relic. Nice seeing all these old names on here. I’m on Mankrik now hit me up if you see me on.

Since a few people mentioned Seventh Column I wanted to give a brief summary for those interested. I was known as Talon/Talenn, tauren resto druid. I was one of the original raiders in the first incarnation of Seventh Column Suramar during vanilla and I was the guild leader of the second incarnation of 7th Column Suramar during BC, Wrath, and first half of Cataclysm.
Original guild members and officers pre molten core: Deadlyluckky, Roaddogg, tikitikitiki, Irony, Scarza, AlmightyFez, Genfu, Borddude, Rotgutrias, Gutrip, Satan, Physco, Rigid (sorry if I forget some). Along the way picked up HereticDemon, Rhivergoblin, Roarix, Jezzebelle, Creaton, Dogsmacker, Daspanker, Dashocker and many more. Many members including most of the officers left suramar for Arathor server at the start of BC. I left on Talon and my warlock Faithor but came back a little later, having to change my name to Talenn since Talon had been taken since I had left (still kicking myself for that).
So back on Suramar I found a small portion of 7th column remained behind and formed Powertrip. Powertrip, looking for another guild so we could do 25 man raiding, joined with the guild Gluttons for Punishment. Fortunately the 7th Column name on Suramar was still held by one of the Powertrip members so we became the new Seventh Column with me being very reluctantly voted in as guild leader. Members: Alindy, Arkage, Kirstimah, Luminous, Antithesis, Greybow, Perforate, Jerke, Glye/Shalto, Rizzo, Korthar, Gelbreazu, Shadbow, Rigid, Dogsmacker, Crassus, Psycho, Crueldeath, and later joined by Nicci, Kire, Smoot (formerly Rexxan of midnight), checkplz, Necrindia, Darkbeef and others I can’t remember. We raided BC, Wrath, and on into Cata until we got bored and called it quits .
So many names and so many terrific guildmates and people. But to answer Buzzlightyear from a previous post I am sorry to say I do not believe any of the vanilla 7th column raiders who left for Arathor ever returned. I have spent many hours on Suramar raiding as Horde and then as Alliance for second half of Cata, Mists, and Warlords ( I stopped raiding when Legion came out), and I have never once come across one of the old raiders who left.
Best of luck to all you 7th column raiders out there. As for me, this old Tauren is living in a retirement community in Bloodhoof village, come visit…but stay off lawn, it’s my dinner.

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Not many people!

Hargath?! Holy crap, I remember you. We ran together for a while, it’s Powerslave. I specifically remember running RFC with you early levels.

I’m on Mankrik now too, going back as a rogue, keeping my new name Perversion. I’ll hit you up.

I’d love to remake Eolith or Mutilated again on Mankrik, but I’m afraid I’ll be playing on an Oceanic server… I just can’t go back to those 200+ pings ;_;

I only had low level toon on suramar till wrath.

1st toon Merrikk/auramoon
NE hunter wowaholics,formidable

2nd toon saphira
Ne Druid

3rd lupa
Draenei shaman

I also played on horde under aliena be priest special sauce,anomaly also my alt was tjani a be rogue

Btag Tjani#1283