Delrin - Gnome Mage
The Black Chaos
Joined those goofballs during the BWL days. Many great memories! Can’t believe I’m still married after all those late nights.
Delrin - Gnome Mage
The Black Chaos
Joined those goofballs during the BWL days. Many great memories! Can’t believe I’m still married after all those late nights.
I’ve missed you so much, Hizzle.
Well damn, this was fun to read.
Vyena, didn’t start raiding until BC but sat around SW and talked mad shiz while the rest of the server did.
Was in Heroes of Azeroth, then raided with Magically Malicious, then bounced around Disposable Heros. She may still be tagged, I haven’t logged on her in ages.
Looking for… well, no one in particular, but hey y’all.
If ANYONE still has a picture of Cornpotatotu’s Twin Emps strategy on MS paint please let me know. I lost mine years ago!
Dwarf Hunter of the guild Bushido Blade.
Been a minute party people
I used to have it where I was in the guild lol… great times… but I lost it as well sadly.
good to see you still around man, need to catch up.
Spaznasty, nightelf rogue i forget the guild name i was in, it’s been so long. suramar. DrHorrible#1313
Keladris NE Druid and Elaurora (now Kelaurora) Hunter.
The All Mighty (2004 to ?) don’t remember the year but the guild broke up and formed Exodus then??? Guild master was a Glok (warlock). I think some of the original members are still in the guild (NV, Alcyon, Gamlin, Gloisam, Trongods, Winds, Thanntos)?
I haven’t played wow in a year and lost touch with most of my old guildies or they just quit and never came back a few expansions ago. Just created my 3 on Pagle, since I’m closer to east coast now.
edit - from some screenshots I found:
PvP Team
Arjuna, Kahlas, Dahunter, Trongods, Nights, Sade, Redtro, Kellynne, Gloisam, Ozzo, Lackus, Poras, Dalung, Morventus, Khaltent, Eskimobob, Joros.
Just a small list, trying to find the rest.
druids: Chedara, Scitzo, Starlise, Vipergirl, Abusibo
Uploaded the video here https://
I still remember Sandstorm… The offspin when Champion’s Light broke into Iron Tower. I was Lurian, some punk 12 year old NE Warrior who’s dad let him raid xD
Still remember these names:
Randall (A seriously, SERIOUSLY strong mage)
I was in Tuatha De Danann initially and Divine Winds as a Raiding Guild.
My Main was a
Skippie (Night Elf Hunter) Master Sergeant Rank
Some of the People that I remember playing with are:
Arielis (Human Paladin)
Ysbel (Human Warlock)
Magdric (Human Priest)
Qadesh (Dwarf Priest)
Angelsdeth (Gnome Warrior)
Bart, Grashall, Lilpudntater, Ärty
Exodus of Shadows/B.O.H.IC.A.
Do you remember me? I was Medrex Holy paladin… I was in for AQ 40 to down Emperor and work on C’Thun.
I remember the name, but its been so long… and I switched servers after BC came out and I never looked back… I regret that decision sometimes because I had a lot of fun in TAM.
I remember you med, think it was you, me alexistina and braetel for pallies.
Definitely brotha, good to see such a familiar name
@Bealrokk - that would be awesome if they were in the original DH. To be honest, I have a hard time remembering a lot of people who were in the guild before, but there are a few that stand out for me.
of course FNG forever !! lol Crissreal here i’ll be back …
It sure was! Alex used to yell at us for the bombs in Vael… lol.
Wyglaff, Prot Warrior and Belegorm, Dwarf Priest
Guild: Not Dead Yet
Currently on Baelgun. Still come back for every new expansion & play through to the end before shuttering until the next one. Remember lots of guildmates, though only a few that have posted here ring any bells (like Subteran - though I wasn’t in his guild, he was always one of the nicest people on the server!).
Probably not going back to the hell that was “classic”, but this thread is a nice for the nostalgia.
Name: Barnucle, gnome mage
Guild: The Black Chaos
Loved raiding with TBC…was there for our first BWL clear (Frost mage army lol).
Some of the best times I ever had in WoW.
Hopefully can match up with the old crew!