Suramar Alliance Reconnections

I am Funk, so he’ll be easy to convince haha. Just added you. I’m HUBCAPHANK#11850

Tri Add me on B-net my name is Moolortz#1678

/waves excitedly. Hey guys!

what up dacks! imma drop you a msg in game for a catch up

Well skin my sausage, Aigi here. I might have to send it.


Hey D train,

Punk - Dwarf Hunter


Characters: Outbreakx Rogue \ Tehgnaj Druid

Barely Legal and Old School

Going exceptionally hard for classic.

Discord: Oreo#3392

Characters: Nekno rogue/ Brusian mage / Arisie Druid

Volatilus Letum / The Black Chaos / CRAZED ANARCHY / Barely Legal

Good to see you around Fulamin! Been a long time and I still have a Nef kill screenshot with you in it :grin:. Afew of us from Barely Legal still game together till this day.

Also Dinja from The Black Chaos if you see this hit me up.

Discord: Nekno#4124

Ok, I sent you a request. GhostSword is me

I added you on BNet. Hostilis#1833

Morlune here. At least try it out cmon. Get SlobOnMyKnob back

Added you mane! Hostilis#1833
Also, Hozuki, go ahead and add me

Fine fine, you convinced me. HAMSTEAK#11208

Moriatb was our raid leader in Fates Revenge before we formed Sigma! I haven’t seen her since we split off. Please say hi from Cordae and I. Hope all is well!

Oh Aigi. Dear Aigi. It’s been too long since I’ve innervated a hunter.

Meriki-Human Pally eventually swapped to my human mage, Haiden in BWL+

The Black Chaos

Hello everyone!

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Hey all,
Staypuft dwarf pally, I see so many familiar names!
Think I got my start in The Holy Order. Was also in sigma, Iron Tower and maybe one other.

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Parts! The man himself! Its Calna! Would you mind if i sent you an add on Bnet?

Character names: Matsa (main Gnome Warrior), Matso (Paladin) , Matsi (mage), Infuzion (priest).

Can’t recall the guild name I was in for vanilla smashing BWL and into AQ40. played BC a bit after finishing basic training. Came back to the game near the start of BOD currently playing horde on Garrosh. Might jump into classic if I can connect with some of the old people I used to play with.

Used to roll late nights with the alliance GM grind crew, Thric, Telanus, Imyadaddy, Tiffshenchman, so many good times!

Wow Hey Cal. Sure bud hit me up. We’re gonna be on Atiesh just fyi. :smiley: