Suramar Alliance Reconnections

Hey, I was in Wowaholics. me and my Brother. JG Wentworth, JpWentworth. Was a lock, and a mage.

ALso had a friend he was in Champions Light and Iron Tower. Bigsmokedog. He passed away a few years ago. anyhow, reply if u out thhere anyone!

I was Nilethrasher, Human Paladin. Three Inches of Blood was like family. So cool to see so many familiar names still active. (Hi Dacks! <3)

I went super casual after BC, but wow do I have fond memories of vanilla. Still play casually on Suramar too. Just as a Draenei now.

Omg hey dude! <3

Apokal - Human Mage
Bushido Blade, Masters of Light.

Yo Buckeye, Hedius/Haxxar/Imyadaddy :smiley:

DUDE!! Hedius here! Gnome mage, how you been?

Eroc, Dwarf Hunter, spent some time in Barely Legal!

Eroc, Dwarf Hunter…

You taught me how to raid as a Hunter, hope all is well!

Hey good to see you Hedius, hit me up on battle net

Hi, you can add me Zaratul#1151.

Hi, sent the invite, didn’t see forums replies until today !

finally someone I remember from vanilla and NQ

I have settled in on Herod alliance as Thrill.

(Ashrad, rogue / Thrill, warrior) The Black Chaos

Yo Tanorn, what is your toons name? Still Tanorn? lol LMK. I’ve been playing consistently again lately. HMU, I’m Skettch on Kurinnaxx.

Pewpew! Pedey in da house.

sup mane - Dain

That is a very familiar name, I was in Th e Iron Band back then as Sekhem, played mainly a Holy Paladin / Ret Paladin (never could stick with a spec)

Hate to necro a super old thread, but do you remember me? I was Aracy, prot paladin