I saw that Gunny is still active in FNG, but not sure if the site was working or not. I made Sindurr on Myzreal, since I didn’t really want to make another Sindressa. LOL
Tarran NE Priest / Zariah NE Hunter
I think I was mainly in Dark Templar until I rerolled Horde.
I’m still in contact with a lot of friends from vanilla but if anyone else remembers me I’d love to catch up!
I’m not sure if he’s coming back for Classic, but I’ve let Magdric know you were asking about him
Opalasis, Hunter
Guild: Honour and Friendship
Will be playing on Whitemane!
Hey Leand!
Brathkis/Rimian and myself Lariehl/Faede are rolling on Mankrik PVE Classic.
We were in MO back in the day…
Faede (Spriest) / Lariehl (mage) and husband Brathkis/Rimian/Brathkin
Scourge Busters and Mystic Order on Suramar
Honestly can’t remember the guild names anymore haha
I had two main toons back in the day, Andren a human pally and Malachy a night elf druid.
Hey!!! I remember you guys!!! I was so young back then!!! Name was Kilthemall a human warlock!
Sry, that name doesn’t look familiar. I’m trying to dig up some old screenshots to find names. I prob. only remember those who were around since MC/BWL days and especially our PvP team I did manage to find some screenshots and video of TaM vs Nef.
Gernan, Dwarf Hunter
Guild: The Holy Order/From the Ashes
Apold and tanorn i remember you two! Only raided during BC but it would be awesome to link back up.
Apold Right now i’ve found a few and we’re rolling on faerlina if you dont have other plans. Still looking for skulle.
I’ll see you all on Faerlina!
Incorporated Human Rogue
Guild: Nameless Legends
Planning on having a blast again!
Xm/Erah: Supertroopers, The Lost Brigade, Mystic Order, Recognition
So… I guess we just need to find if Jds is still alive and we may have a go around
Healing Druid
Guild: AFK
Still Alive!
Jd is still the best tank I have ever had the privilege to play with and call my friend. I hope he turns up, I would love to talk to that dude again
Hey Wangfu, I did raid with Three Inches of Blood for a few years and I remember your name. It’s nice talking to some of the old 3iobers since we recognize each other sometimes. I’m not too hard to miss since I’m still on the same character.
Opal! I remember your name. Did we play together in Conviction or something? Memory’s fuzzy.
Where the hell is Delga? I need a paladin who can tank, DPS, and heal simultaneously.