Support for San'Layn BE customization

Hello again Blizzard as you are now apparently accepting fan suggestions with the inbound update of blonde haired void elves (which I love very much thank you! :rainbow: ) I figured I would post this thread

Essentially if blood elves are to get an undead like skin this would in effect make undead paladins a thing, which in turn thankfully loosens the story some more and opens up the possibility for void elf paladins to be added!

I’m an advocate for void elves receiving access to all classes due to the void being the most powerful cosmic force. :rainbow:


Every time I come to these forums I wish a little more that they would delete void elves and blood elves altogether.


I’m up for San’layn.

:elf: :vampire:


shh, if belfs get undead skin and can make an undead belf paladin, then there’s no reason why forsaken couldnt become paladins too. it’d just require some unique function to keep the light from killing them. like holy bones or something.

there was some guy …one of adam’s sons in the bible… his bones were so holy, they healed someone just by being in proximity to his grave

I can’t take a single thing you type seriously with that awful thread history.


me: “Hey I think it’s a good thing to drink water regularly through out the day.”

this guy:


If I had to choose between san’layn and dark ranger I’d pick san’layn every time.

You know, i was going to disagree with Gloyon, but then you had to say this… :point_down:

Sorry, but reputation matters. Maybe if you had a better post history, more people will warm up to your suggestion or take you seriously. :man_shrugging:

I do agree BE’s should get San’Layn customization though.

I rarely agree with you but I miss the idea of Blood Elves being vile creatures underneath all that glamour.


The San’layn were already rejected by Sylvanas. Will the Horde Council let them in?

Well they worked with sylvanas its just the alliance killed them in BfA

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Sylvanas told them they would be gone if they could not prove themselves. I was under the impression that she rejected the survivors. Perhaps there weren’t any, and I am imagining things.

To market this thread as for San’layn but it’s really just for more high elf stuff? We have enough threads for that.

You don’t need to pretend to support something to request what you want.

For those who want to support the long standing San’layn request Fallyn has a wonderful thread for it.

I’d link a specific high elf one but there’s so many right now none of them are the main one…

Forsaken don’t need that.

They just need an order willing to take the pain, to use the Light as a tool, especially against those who use it against them, to be made.

Undead can be paladins.

Yeah I hope more folk don’t comment here and save their comments for more honest and genuine threads.


Well, going through your thread history out of morbid curiosity gave me a good chuckle, at least.

Yeah I will admit, I saw this thread and the “it’ll open possibilities for void elf paladins!” and felt kinda… meh about it. It seems like a blatant “I’m going to push this thing I don’t care about and use it to get what I want”. Thank you for pointing it out and posting the megathread, I appreciate that!

Yeah the less spam the better. I love the support shown for San’layn by genuine parties, but I also hope to not see thread spam so much since it really annoys people & they can just must my thread if they dislike it.


Hmmm didn’t catch that. Thanks for pointing it out.

It’s a really good thread. Check it out!


This thread is a Void Elf Paladin request thread disguised as a San’layn thread and you should be utterly ashamed of yourself.


This OP is full of issues.

Big nope on everything suggested.

No VE pallies.

No undead pallies.

No san’layn on BE’s

Stop using a request as an way to get VE pallies.

Are you a developer’s alt? Because youre saying"no" as if you have some sort of authority, this thread isn’t for you it’s for the blizzard developers

oh good, my input on that is still no. Do not add this.

Cool beans, this isn’t though :stuck_out_tongue:

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