Hi All,
Pads here. GM of SuperPug.
We are looking to fill out some consistently empty spots. We - like many others are cursed with keeping active healing classes interested in raiding. Was hoping that Dual Spec would alleviate some of challenges healers face with outside - instance content… but we are still seeing alot of void presently.
SuperPug started back in vanilla WotLK - a small group of RL friends formed some pug groups - the pug groups became increasingly successful and the members stopped being pugs and formed a constant guild.
Many of us have played through all of WoWs expansions and iterations - so we decided to get into SoD for better or worse. Most of the crew is adult with young families and responsibilites - so we want to respect everyones time and have the proper foundation to clear and experience content in a timely fashion. So far, we have first or second week cleared all raids - are running numerous alt runs, and pvping when the mood strikes.
With that said - we are looking for active healing classes - strong need for Shaman and Priests. We do have a couple of druids, but solid peeps are always welcome.
If you have a small guild or group of friends - we are more than happy to entertain that potential and grow accordingly.
Parses are reviewed and encouraged , but do not mean everything.
Consumes are expected - but not to the degree of mindlessly farming gold to be able to raid.
Raid attendance is only required if you sign up in our discord for said raid. We are looking for active people - but real life occurs. Our only ask, is that if you sign up / you show up. Leaving 18/19 people holding the bag is not respectful. You know how much is drags the experience down - having to wait on LFG spam.
SoD raids have been and are currently. Wed & Sun 8pm server time. We run 2 hours or less, but many are on at all hours of the day.
We have an active discord, which i am more than happy to provide to interested persons.
We are going to run with a +2 SR system for the remainder of this phase. Have tinkered with Loot Council, but with having to pug spots - we try to keep things fair for all.
Thanks for your time.
Message me : Pads (Horde) (Living Flame) or anyone in SuperPug for more information.