Superiority Complex 9/9H 1/9M LFRaiders

Superiority Complex is looking for additional raiders to round out our roster. We are currently 9/9H 1/9M and looking for few DPS for mythic raiding, our core is currently sitting at 18 players. We have a fun yet competitive group with an eye towards moving into mythic. We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 8-11pm EST. We have an active guild with members pushing keys at levels from +15 to +20 and beyond.

We are currently recruiting players for the following roles:
1-Healer - Shaman/Evoker/Monk
2-DPS - Evoker, Enh Shaman, Warlock, Mage and rogue preferred but will consider any dps class with good XP and logs.

If you are not one of the above roles but are interested in potentially joining on another class/role, please feel free to reach out to discuss.

If you are interested in joining, please message one of the following on discord: jeffers_, trueeye, or sorfarion

Find us on Raider Io, Warcraft Logs Wowprogession and Guilds of WoW
Superiority Complex Stormrage