SuperData says WoW’s player count is already ‘back to normal levels’ post-Shadowlands

Only in your mind.

Which has already been shown to be unsound given that you believe in foolish theories with no supporting evidence.

k fair call but I know I’m right so enjoy your World of Empty Warcraft. It’s happening.


Kinda feels like their target audience is China now, or Asia in general. Looking at the store mounts plus numerous other things, including Vulpera, just comes off as them only goiing after the biggest demographic now.

Kinda makes sense. Why make a game for people who constantly berate and belittle everything you do when you can make more money on a market with way more players?

Yes true and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they sell of wow to China after this Xpac is finished. For BIG DOLLARS too.

Ah! Well…that’s the current state of wow back then from cata…A continues decline!!!

Great ppl were working on wow content then came the parasite Activision with it a blood sucking Bobby too drain every core of what wow once was…
Morhime had a vision as well as his team but then there it ended for them.

SL looks less and less WoW and more equivalent to some low budget marvel game, with it’s crappy story, butchered characters and unbalance gameplay with bugs , features to waste more time for players.

Compared to wow, FFXIV does pour their love for their product. Hence, the playerbase is rising in FFXIV…

I for one, loved wow but this isn’t wow anymore…need a game that’s equal to wow or that universe. For that game is, definitely not ESO but baldurs gate!

Also, I feel Diablo is going in the right direction for the community outcry during blizzcon 2018.
That’s all it takes for getting a good product it seems. So, the true fault lies is the community for not taking up arms and protesting blizzard nonsense.


No endgame for PVE because of pvp gearing, M+ being in one of the worst states that it’s ever been in because of FoTM classes + target caps, no soul ash catch up, no alt catch up period unless you get carried in pvp.

Man, it sure is a mystery as to why people are quitting!

If valor launches like it is on the PTR it will be one of the most pointless things they’ve ever added to the game. It would take you 4 weeks to upgrade a 2h weapon from 210 to 220 ilvl assuming that you capped every single week.

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The valor in Shadowlands is a pale imitation of the valor and justice points in previous xpacs. The devs are pretty much debasing the ‘brand’ of valor points.

One side says… its completely normal to lose a ton of subs after a launch. The other side says… its bad to lose subscribers.

Well I mean both of those things can be and are true. Ideally you don’t want to lose any subscribers, but its likely to happen after initial release. I see no conflict there, just two statements of fact.

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Complete opposite experience here. My friends list grew as a bunch came back for SL and still actively playing. My guild is still getting new people and our raids still have the same amount of people as when the raid first opened.

Not saying people haven’t left as this happens EVERY expansion. People leave after a couple months and come back each patch and leave again till the next patch. Nothing new here.

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Oh please I hope WoW never becomes playable on the Switch. My productivity at work is bad enough as is. WoW on the Switch would probably get me fired.

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This is a bad business plan though, a lot of players that leave sometimes never come back.

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FFXIV isn’t WoW.

Anyone else find it hilarious that the company that reported this false info got shutdown?

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Superdata didn’t report false data lol. Nelisen shut them down because they are merging gaming in with real sports. There was no need to for this division and probably was the plan all the long from when they purchased them.

The confirmation bias on these forums is just utterly hilarious.


No kidding. What an amazing story that game is

Exactly. They weren’t shut down. They were merged with the sports department.

It’s actually concerning for Retail. Especially considering that this news was given back in February. TBC Classic will more than likely cushion the decline in SL.

Spoilers it didn’t and things got much worse.


This thread is too old, anyhoo I’m still here and I’m even more adorable than I was 10 months ago!

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