Superbloom giving adventure gear instead of veterans

With today’s patch, I did the superbloom on a couple different characters, and the bag at the end gave adventure tier gear instead of veteran gear like it’s supposed to. Sad part is, I finally got the chest on my druid i was lookin for, but because it was adventure, it was useless to me.

As a seperate note, some options in plunderstorm aren’t saving, like large nameplates, it always resets.


Confirming this is a thing, superbloom no longer worth doing unfortunately until they fix this.

Can confirm, superbloom giving only Adventurer gear instead of Veteran. Hope this gets fixed soon.

Also reported here: Superbloom loot bugged (nerfed?). Lower ilvl in 10.2.6

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This won’t get fixed. In december the identical bug happened to the Wyrm Chest on Hamuul Runetotem, which they even named Wyrm’s Bountiful Chest in hotfix note… instead Hamuul started selling whelpling chest for weekly dreamsurge instead of Wyrms (useless).

I reported it every week for 2 months and nothing happened.

GG rip superbloom gear - hope it still awards the right tmog…

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