Super fun games youre playing during this awful deflation?

so it’s obvious this season is a total wash. (thx blizz) so what are some super fun games you all are playing while you wait for arena season 3 ?


can you go to law school too please

:angry: :angry:

Im playing alts on wow cuz its fun, and honestly pvp is good outside of deflation. Its awsome allied races are open now too. Trading post is great also.

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ive opted to believe blizzard genuinely thinks this deflation and inactivity is ok and that if i want glad, i cant just mope around and pray blizz to make it reasonable

im tryna get good and get glad now ig

He wants you to better your own life

Im playing dark alliance 2 with my brother. Legit a game d4 should have been.
Insanely fun

Insanely L O N G 12 hours in and im currently like 80% done the game

Rewards you for your time. And rewards you for playing properly.

Fun gear enchanting system and a huge H U G E roster of characters to choose from ( if you play the more diff settings you unlock 3 )

Idk how tf blizz can make d4 as boring as it is rn but a game from 2008 can legit blow it out of the water

Embarrasing blizzard. Maybe put most of that art team to the creativity department for a actually fun game and not a 2nd job


I remember that game. The drow monk had a whirlwind.

Been playing bg3. Nearly finished with act 2. I hope lilarcor is in the game

I still have saves from 2011 from the first game when i no lifed it. Games great highly recommend playing first to 2nd. But the classes are so fresh to play. Barbarian is actually great. The paladin buffs allies like aug evokers and heals the whole party. Dwarf rouge legit rougeing it out.

Man i got the game on ps2 and its a home run playing. But to play it on steam you need a controller and to 2 player it your friend needs a cobtroller as well

I played as the dwarf cause I played the dwarf in the first one. Then I got older and that moon elf is :eyes:

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Rip pre 2016 era game design

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I remember having an old ps2 that had hardware issues and the first games npc you speak to had jigle physics and it lagged the hell out of my console

:pensive: man i wanna go back

Posts like this are why I subscribe to the Dabdaddy Magazine.

THAT CLIFF HANGER ENDING THOUGH. Like, what’s going to happen with the Onyx Tower?? Are these new baddies going to take it over? Will they use it for evil?! What ever will happen to Balder’s Gate? Will we need a third set of heroes to eventually rescue the second set?

Onyx Tower jokes aside, the dark alliance games were fantastic. Fantastic gameplay, amazing couch coop, fun story telling, and memorable voice acting really made it quite the experience.

“These bandits grow bolder with each passing day!” is the perfect line for almost any occasion.

RIP dark alliance 3. The game we didn’t deserve, but how we can pine for it :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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The elf song tavern intro


Unless they’re accepting 135 lsats now or something probably not

Warhammer 3 Total War when I have time! The Chaos Dwarves are dope.

The first game was brilliant telling the story. The 2nd picked it up and with the cliffhanger actually continued the game and left and right is bringing up events that happen in the first game. Insanely good storytelling in the 2nd game.

I remember grinding the hell out of the onyx tower for a 2 handed bastard sword with a lightning affix for my archer (archer was op btw hail of arrows shotgun faceblast) and decking him out in the finest of +5 full platemail.
Really great to play with a friend. But on the 2nd your class synergizes with the other player so any class you choose can instantly benefit your 2nd player with the talent choices you make.

That games legit shameful. Leeched off the name of the first 2 and added a 3 just to make it a third person hack and slash ubisoft assasins creed clone

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just been trolling bgs/epics as a death wish fury warrior.

its insane. im out here doing literal 1shots lol… the other day in ashran i grabbed the power geode buff and rushed into a pack of 7 enemies, 1 shot 5 of them and the 2 others died from dot damage a few seconds later… this is the most bizarre burst ive ever seen in this game

Pokemon go

I’ve been playing this really super interesting game called “Leveling up my life”

although they nerfed a-lot of my skillsets and kinda made it unbalanced with certain professions being OP I finally made it to A tier.