Super fast nerf to hunters yet shamans are 1v3ing people

flame shock ticking for 1k on multiple people while being extremely tanky with earth shields and self healing yet you nerf hunters first? im not even a hunter player but dont put out a super fast hotfix until you nerf shamans. its killing pvp balance.


Found the angry hunter


imagine complaining about flame shock while nuking people for 2k+


yep i can hit them for 2k until they are in my deadzone and im 100% dead

while i wouldve rathered it have been a nerf to entrapment maybe only proccing on the first tick of the trap and the slow and entrapment dr each other so multiple hunters couldnt spam slow/entrap a full raid of players and maybe a longer cd on the traps being able to be set , this effectively stops the abusive control hunters had for a good while now.

maybe they can revisit and put it back with those changes in mind.

still though in pve you can still launch explosive to proc lnl and keep around the same damage without having to move on raid bosses .

the ability to slow/entrap an entire raid worth of players without putting yourself at risk was too broken . it needed to be changed.


I wouldve been fine with them nerfing entrapment to inexistance but pretty much rendering frost trap useless in both pve and pvp is ridiculous. Frost trap being able to be used with trap launcher was not the issue in AV the issue was entrapment. Actually hilarious how cringe this is.


Firstly, people are overstating the damage being done by Explosive Trap on a consistent basis. To see those 1.5k damage spikes, it has to first be a critical hit, the hunter must be running Lone Wolf rune (+35% damage, but now can’t use a pet) the T.N.T. rune (+10% fire damage and 50% of melee attack power added to initial hit of Explosive Trap), 2/2 in Clever Traps (+30% trap damage), 5/5 in Mortal Shots (+30% critical damage).

I’m not against seeing some of the Explosive Trap damage moved into the ground effect DoT portion instead of being as front loaded as it is…but the total damage of the trap itself is fine.

The frankly DUMB hotfix they just made for Trap Launcher and Frost Trap is more concerning as it does NOT solve the underlying problems at hand…it simply annoys the hunter.

You are still going to get rooted forever and there is still going to be Frost Trap ice patches everywhere…a massive L change from the dev team here.

They could have (and really should have) made different changes and left Trap Launcher alone…better solutions include:

  1. Entanglement talent can only occur when the trap is first triggered…so a single, 25% chance to root per trap instead of a 25% chance every 3 seconds for 39 seconds (with Clever Traps).

  2. If a new Frost Trap is triggered, the ice patch from an already triggered trap disperses. This is not how it works right now…a single hunter can potentially have 4 different Frost Trap ice patches out on the ground at one time currently.

^ just these 2 changes alone would have drastically reduced the amount of Frost Trap ice patches spread around and significantly reduced the time any single person spends rooted. If they wanted to take it a step further and add a DR to the root effect (4/2/1) that is cool too…but taking Frost Trap off Trap Launcher wasn’t the fix.


yep changes are going to do nothing for group pvp just destroy hunter in 1v1s. entanglement is now pretty much useless

Pallies are stronger than shamans in every way, if you nerf one you have to nerf the other first.


Even shaman mains will laugh at you about this.

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“Places frost trap at feet”

“Get’s death gripped by warrior into 30 people”

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1V3? i can easily 1v5 as a shaman and I’m in high 40s green gear still lol

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Sure, Rebecca

Dont speak facts on the forums yo the retheads’ll come after ya

The trap change today doesn’t fix the problem with traps at the instance entrance. Onyk a proper diminishing returns system would. But they can’t be bothered to code that.

i see nothing wrong with this at all shaman should slap those that had it coming

Earth shield can be dispelled and even if its not shamans all of them are glass cannons they die quicker then hunters do. Druids are harder to kill then any form of shaman stop being bad thanks

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Nono i have a secret passive that makes nobody be able to hurt me while I DONT hit whites at all and instead hit 2100 dmg over and over while I bubble myself with those super deadly 300 heals!

When I was lvl 20 a group of 3 lvl 50 shamans killed me. They need to nerf this class immediately.

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It is the Season of Shamans…

You guys just wont listen.