Super Adventure Pals 5/8M

Hi!, we are a 2-day raiding guild that raids Tu + Th from 9pm to 12am EST. Our goal through Legion had been clearing the Heroic content and with BFA we'd like to push Mythic as much as possible (Antorus was our first time doing M going 9/11).

We are currently looking for Ranged DPS and Healers (preferably having a strong DPS OS or alt). We don't require Mythic experience, but ask you understand the effort required when it comes to raiding in a guild.

Currently we are interested in any solid DPS and MW/Resto Druids, but any competent and positive players looking for a home are free to give us a try!

If you are interested or have any questions, please post here or send me a message! Thanks (:

Heavily looking for a solid Balance druid right now!
We are still looking for any solid ranged DPS and healers. Cleared Vectis a few days ago and are open to characters from other servers now with cross realm mythic.
LF solid ranged DPS and a Resto/Bal druid. Farm tonight if you are interested and looking to give us a try (:

Now 5/8. Starting Zul prog and open to strong and positive players looking for a home (:

Specifically looking for a Havoc, but any good DPS/Healers are welcome as always.