Supatease updated arena healer tier list 9.0.5

From best to worst in that tier left to right.

A+ : Holy Priest , Disc

A : Hpally , Rdruid

B+: Rshaman

B: Mistweaver

C: Prot Pally

I dont believe disc priest is a+ tier, also still think hpal is a+ tier.

Other then that I agree

Not sure about rsham, all the rsham lords (cdew, sterge) say it feels horrible right now


yea would prolly swap hpal and disc,

other than that looks good, rsham mana is really good, if their healing getes buffed could easily move up.

Agreed, the biggest issue with shaman healing, from what I understand is it requires setup.

You cant just pump out massive heals, you need a few globals to get modifiers up. In this meta, we dont have a few globals

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Mind games needs nerfed. I feel like I’m just wasting breath at this point.

Been obvious since day one that mind games was too good in PvP. Greater fade is also a problem and should be changed to just be a mini freedom.

I don’t agree with his listing however. Seems weird that both Mistweavers and rshams would both be B tier.


Ur just mad ur necrolord

Dang paladin got gutted.

It does feel horrible, it’s miserable to play right now, but with certain comps it’s really good due to our utility and mana usage. That’s why it’s not THAT bad, just a lil bit bad.

that and also after you spend all those globals setting up, you’re still risking getting kicked as well as heals are awful.
My healing surge with tidal waves + healing stream totem + unleash life + earth shield + skyfury barely heal for 20k-25k. I’ve had bigger heals with my 170 hpal and divine favor alone.

Yah think my record divine favor heal on my 178Ilvl hpal is 48k

You should see the amount of setup required for rdruids: after we spend 4-5 globals to load up the hots we can start to regrowth for max value - usually 9-10k when it crits outside SoTF or NF modifiers - assuming nobody is purging anything.

Even SM and NS requires additional globals because we can’t SM with no hots now, the target MUST have at least one of spefic hots and using NS->Regrowth on a target with no hots and without SoTF will heal, with luck, for about 13-15k on a 1 min CD. So, even our “instant heals” requires lots of setup to get a decent value out of the cds.

On top of that, all out hots (except CW) can be purged and CW hot can’t be consumed by SM to setup a SoTF regrowth. If you think Shaman’s heals need lots of setup, never play a restro druid, it will make you want to jump off a window.

I think we’ll see the true healer tier list during AWC. I am doubtful that rdruid stock rose much… I feel like it’ll be the same meta. But hoping I’m wrong.

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List looks good except for the bottom. Prot Paladin should be above Mistweaver.

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Wouldnt be surprised if we see godcomp or shadowplay with a rdruid

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I think supa really really really wants resto druid to be tournament worthy, but I just don’t know if that’s going to happen.

They are REALLY REALLY close tbh.

I’m pretty sure that adding any Venthyr priest to a comp vs a resto druid team will keep them out of the game.
Mindgames is just too good against them.

He is definitely right that the matches are moving to dampening, I think the biggest problem right now is the insane hybrid healing, not sure the dampening fix will be as good of a fix as addressing their ridiculous heals and the ridiculous power of intervene from warriors

Disc as A+ tier and Rdruid in A is extremely questionable imo

So is Rsham in B+ Tier

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MW is actually quite underrated… The only reason it’s really poorly represented is because of the burst meta not favoring such a squishy healer.
Their throughput and mana efficiency is actually really, really good.
Their issue is simply that they are the easiest healer to explode in a stun… which, in such an extreme burst meta, is pretty incompatible.

It’s a lot like aff locks right now; they’re not bad in a vacuum, in fact they’re quite good, but within the context of the current meta they simply do not fit well.

I feel like Disc is just always a special case wherein it is top-tier in its niche comps (RMP, namely) but lacks versatility and could lose some points accordingly… Or maybe it’s just utterly obsolete now, since you can plug in a hpriest to any disc comp and it will perform equally if not better?

Rdruid in A seems about right to me; A+ would be a bit too much for it IMO largely because fire mage is king right now and klepto exists, but honestly it seems very strong outside of that.

B+ for rsham seems about right to me as well; its kit is great into wizards such that its healing is enough for that (generally) but into melee cleaves it lacks the throughput to keep up without assistance from intervenes, WoGs, etc.

Genuinely curious as to where you’d rank them and your reasoning for it, though?

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