Supatease " Make RSS where healers can make enough to pay for their Sub"

not the ones I talk 2.

burn it all :fire: :fire:

WoW has a pretty wide spread of people. We obviously don’t have access to their internal data but I imagine the majority of PVP players just log in and do some battlegrounds to work on their gear and then are either content with eventually being “done” or start working on an alt.

Like, don’t get me wrong, having a full bis alt instantly would be nice, but I’m just trying to be realistic here.

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thats because all the ones who r on my side wise’d up and quit long ago lmao. This place has become abit of an echo chamber on the issue.

These forums are 10x more active than bfa or sl all cuz of rss. Remove the remaining barriers to entry then let see wht happens.

i mean if you really still want gear they can just put it all for free on the vendor.

down with gear

Yes, ideally we have tournament vendors that just have all the PvP gear. :dracthyr_love_animated: Also I think it’d be cool if they brought back those wod trinkets, like, the flat statstick ones. Passive mainstat and then an offstat. Accolades? Something like that.

no not tourney servers something better

arena only servers on the front page launcher

it really needs to be a lot of gold to appeal to peeps who buy gold regularly

prolly 20k for wins, 10k for losses

gold has been hugely devalued by the cash shop

most peeps make at least $20/hr and tons of people make 40-80/hr (or more), so 240k gold is only 15-60 minutes of time and ensures that you can reduce a ton of grind/boredom in the game

the cash shop gold generates way more money than subs

a very large chunk of players could care less about gold rewards unless they are really large

I can see that. You said 2-4 and I’m telling you that the range is 1-4.

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I definitely run boring dungeons I have no interest in when I see a box up for grabs. So I could see this getting people to queue.

But I’m honestly not sure if I’d personally heal a shuffle for gold, the mega dampening and rudeness just feels horrible. Games are supposed to feel fun.

I wish there was a solution. Atm RBGs ( where dampening isn’t a factor ) are a lot more fun.

Your values are so insanely backwards its wild. 20k for less then 20-30 minutes is literally a wow token every 5 hours atm.

Assume the losing healer gets 10k and the winning one gets 20k just in the last 24 hours of shuffle games played by healers (mind you this is with no incentive atm) you would be looking at like 51000 games played which would be a measly 1.5 billion gold being put into the game i don’t think you understand just how much this would nuke the value of gold even more.

It should be noted that the box you get for heroic dungeons is only available sporadically throughout the day and rewards 3-7k and then your waiting for a hour or two for it to pop up again or swap to a different role you can fill.

I never said it’s easy.
But you can’t deny that the things they did for PvP were always low effort, since it’s a minority in comparison to PvE.

The LfG Tool alone was a bad joke from PvP perspective.
It kinda works for PvE but for PvP there is way too less information/filters.

I think the whole gold debate is the wrong debate.

If people don’t like to play XY, the Devs should ask themselves WHY no one wants to play that.

I mean, the motivation to play a game should be the game itself and not some other artificial motivations like some kind of currency, which makes you play something you actually don’t like.


You bring up an excellent point
A simple answer for sure is not easy

there are many layers (I feel) to why people don’t play healers

  1. Not rewarding
  2. community pretty awful towards healers (big one)
  3. Not fun unless you are a meta healer
  4. You don’t feel like you are actively participating

Some changes will hurt DPS’s ego, great example is FW, DPS was upset a healer can damage ( Disc falls here too) yet the outcry was not the same for DPS with self-healing ( looking at you warrior)

So, healers do not have the community support

How do you handle rude players? Yeah, some will say oh it is just words. But words carry weight in a social game. People say ignore it, and guess what healers did by not queuing.

Not rewarding, how to find a good middle ground for all kinds of healing styles?

the fastest and easiest way ( imperfect) seems to point towards gold

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Heres an idea.

Just make RSS a 2v2 or 3v3 straight DPS comp.

Make the entire thing a DPS Cauk Measuring contest for damage.

Healer problem solved.
Que time Problem solved.

yeah solo shuffle needs call to arms there have been multiple post about it but blizz ignored all of them


at least Blizzard is consistent, they say they hear us but ignore us

Pvp Life =(


PvPers haven’t been mentally sane since we first discovered how to make Macros for abilities way back then.

If anything Posting on the PvP forums is a social experiment and we’re all voluntarily providing research evidence in our own mental asylum


My idea is:

  • Reduce DMG from DDs in PvP
  • Increase Healing/Deff from DDs in PvP

  • Increase DMG from Heal specs in PvP
  • Reduce Heal from Heal specs in PvP

This way triple DD games would be possible.
No Heal needed.

I’m aware of that; however, people in the WoW community - yourself included - tend to act like it’s easy to just “Fix the game.” It may surprise you to learn that a game like WoW has a lot of interconnected moving parts - even the tiniest haphazard “Fix” could wind up turning into a catastrophe.

 not always. I think it’s a bit unfair to make an absolute statement like that. Honestly, it seems like they really do try - especially going into a new xpac (DF addressing PVP gearing is a good example of that); however, I kind of suspect that they mess up here and there, get absolutely reamed out by the PVP community, and then lose any interest in trying to help out the overly toxic PVP community. I mean, we kind of do it to ourselves. We treat the devs like dirt and then expect them to satisfy our demands. I mean, put yourself in their shoes for a minute: would you help you?

The typical counter-argument, of course, is that we’re paying customers. Apparently, that’s an acceptable excuse to behave like toddlers throwing a tantrum whenever something doesn’t go our way. While I fully understand that we’re paying customers, and that I agree - at least in principle - that they should be striving to meet our (reasonable) demands, on our end, we should try to be a wee bit more understanding of their difficulties. “Fixing the game” isn’t easy. We really ought to try to see the devs as our strongest supporters - not our mortal enemies; we ought to strive for better relations with them - not worse relations. That starts with remembering that behind the monitor and keyboard, is a living, breathing human being.

Take off the tin foil hat for once. The devs aren’t “Out to get you.” I guarantee that they want to see the game thrive just as much as you do. That’s not easy work. Would it hurt to show them a modicum of appreciation and to cheer them on as opposed to just griping and complaining about everything? I’m sure a little bit of positivity would do wonders for their morale!

Except that, viewed in it’s proper historical context, LFG was an improvement.

 not sure I agree with that. The reason LFG doesn’t work isn’t LFG itself, but the people using it. That’s right: look in the mirror.

Like, really, how much more information do you need - and what do you need filters for? You’re already the gate keeper of your own group. For example, if you don’t want a DH, don’t pick up a DH
 I don’t know what to tell you, honestly. At the end of the day, all this “Extra information,” all these “Extra filters,” isn’t going to make you a better player. You’re still going to be riding the suck train to loserville. Facts.

While I understand what you’re saying and quite agree, that still leaves us with the question: “Well, what do we do while we wait?” Again, you suggest “Fixing the game,” but neglect to consider the difficulty in that, nor how long it will take to do it properly. So, what do we do in the meantime? Maybe a gold incentive for queueing up as a Healer isn’t a viable long-term solution; however, it would speed up queue times while we wait - or do you prefer your 40 min. queues?

No. Triple DPS (essentially) is not the solution; also, homogenization of specs - turning everyone into a DPS - is not the solution. That’d make the game incredibly boring, and would probably just kill PVP outright.

More than that, how would they balance these (fairly radical) changes for open world PVE/PVP content? Do you think that it would be easy to balance the effects of these changes across the whole game - or did you forget that WoW is more than just instanced PVP when you came up with your “Armchair hotfix?”

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

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If Blizz thought making healers unnecessary was a good way to get queue times down then they would’ve tried it already in PvE.

On top of that if they’re not going to put more effort into keeping the healing specs balanced then they’re obviously not going to try something like this.

Ghostcrawler left the team. There is no hope.