It’d be nice to see castweaver get some of its vulnerabilities filled in. Fortunately a lot of them aren’t taken advantage of, but when they are, man it feels bad. Just stuck in an unfortunate situation where buffing castweaver often inadvertently buffs fistweaver, which is frustrating.
I could use the gold
Healing never has been and never will be popular.
The issue is that games aren’t played for fun. Want an example? Play monopoly at your next family gathering and see how that turns out.
I imagine the biggest concern with awarding gold is that it becomes efficient enough for people to bot/wintrade or otherwise pollute. Imagine if <1000 mmr is just AI 3-3ing for their bag of goodies.
Sure, sure, but it could be more popular.
I played arena healing since it started in TBC days and sadly, its been since dampening that healing hasn’t been fun and thus it won’t change since its been years since that has been out…
They can put out healing incentives, but I doubt they would ever put out for free subs and if they fix it, which I haven’t seen in years, they will just continue to do what they do best, make pvp not fun for healing.
You mean being punished for doing your job isn’t rewarding? Imagine my shock!!!
I’ve said it over and over again, if you can’t score a kill with damage, CC, MS, and healer mana being what they are then dampening is just a crutch for being bad.
I think the gold would not be enough
It would increase the healer’s ques but then there leaves the problem of the toxicity healers face and the nightmare of what healers have to go through healing two monkeys through dampening.
Maybe introduce a new mechanic specifically just for healer.
Give them a longer precog duration.
a boost in healing effectiveness to counter dampening for a short period on a successful kick/cc.
idk; something that benefits just healer.
directly link the best gold farming method to enduring the abuse of the adult children that suck at wow PVP
Blizzard has made sure that PvP players (aside from selling boosts which makes blizzard more money) cannot make a worthwhile amount of gold. The lack of incentive in the boxes right now proves this
Make it that way for all casters, not just healers then.
I mean honestly if they want more people to participate in general, they should just remove gearing and leveling from pvp.
Like i’d love to play like all the healers, but with their huge balance swings and tendency to leave things in the gutter for like 2 years, it makes me really gun shy to even try anything else. I also think ALOT of dps would at healer give playing healer a try if it wasn’t gated behind leveling and gearing.
Another point, they dont even attempt to balance lower level bgs/pvp in general.
Do away with requiring a sub too while we’re at it.
We’re about as close to that as we’re realistically going to get. We’ll probably run into boosted character syndrome if we get any faster where people haven’t even keybound the chars they’ve full bis’d and just end up losing interest in them.
Just turn off chat, nothing good happens in solo shuffle chat anyway.
Tbf I would be laughing especially if they said that about Rita but sometimes people are just plain abusive. Telling people to uninstall, kill themselves etc over a video game, pass on that nonsense and just enjoy your game chat off. It makes healing so much better and more fun.
This would be appreciated honestly, I used to make bank doing herb/mine even with quick healers queues but profits have dropped big time so I don’t even bother anymore.
Meanwhile I open entire inventories of the reward boxes + the healer specific one and ill make like 3k gold lmao
I would definitely spam queue RSS for a nice chunk of change. Xmog ain’t cheap!
Exactly. They’re already doing it for Heroic Dungeons (which are a joke difficulty-wise), so why not for RSS?
To be fair, they can’t really do much more about the toxicity than they are already doing.
I really dislike people who tell others to “KYS.” That sort of behaviour is just repugnant.
RSS players can certainly be incredibly toxic. I think the toxicity largely stems from the inflated egos that tend to accompany inflated ratings. Plenty of hard-stuck Arena Combatants are getting their first taste of Challenger+ in RSS - and all that “Success” is getting to their heads. Big boi 15hundo over here, talkin’ trash like he’s a R1 Multiglad now!
Honestly, I’d like to see them do something as opposed to nothing. That being said, I really think they won’t do anything now that they’re trying to drive PVP players back into 2’s, 3’s, and RBGs.
Why is it that every discussion concerning player behaviour devolves into some politically divisive diatribe? “Gen Z?” Really? You’re going to be one of those guys?
Look. I agree that people need to toughen up - I really do; after all, there’s always going to be toxic people in life, and you’re going to have to learn to deal with them. Might as well learn how to deal with them in a video game, right? Ditto. That being said, that doesn’t give people the right to go around being toxic without consequences. Just as much as these “Softies” need to learn to toughen up, these toxic people need to learn to not be arses. Both groups of people can grow and improve as human beings.
For example, going around telling people to
“KYS” (over a video game). Not good. While I fully understand that people shouldn’t take it to heart, that’s just passing the blame and shirking responsibility for one’s own piss-poor behaviour. Yes… they should toughen up, but that doesn’t mean that you get the be a jerk. Show a little class. Be a better human being.
It’s verbal abuse, yes.
Is not feasible, you would get an influx of pvers wanting to make gold and disregard the actual pvp side of it, perhaps by saying 4-2 is enough and throwing 2 rounds possibly hurting someone else’s change to even thair score and constantly afking to lower their mmr for easy farms.
Oh no what would the world do if PVE’r queued
I prefer to wait my 45 mins to honor the arena gods