Sunwell release date is 5-19-22 at 3pm PST

Ahead of the Curve too. Because back there is the curve, and way over here is me.
that’s 11 bosses ahead of you. See these epics? I’m basically a God at this game.

Ahead of the curve is a joke tho, heroic is easy…

Get Cutting edge and I would actually be impressed.


Aquila non capit muscas.

R*tail is noob friendly.


You on the classic forums trying to flex ahead of the curve like it’s something special.



Lol retail.

indeed. where the true uberleets face threats that can destroy the entire universe if left unchecked.

remind me again, boy, what was the last thing you stopped? A guy on a horse or something?

Argus mythic was the last retail thing I cared enough about to do while it was current unlike yourself. If you love retail so much the forums are that way ------>

Algalon did not have a mythic.

Argus* still smoked it while current unlike yourself ya scrub. Dudes honestly on here bragging about lol shadowlands heroic kills… Pathetic.

Lots of fish in here taking obv bait

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odd, I don’t see that achievement on your main… it appears you’re lying. After getting the boss wrong and doing a quick pirouette…

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This thread turned into a dungeonfinder group


Re-killing the threats that would destroy the world before shadowlands came out.

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Actually we should go back in time and kill our younger selves in the game and let those same threats just destroy Azeroth then Shadowlands wouldn’t exist and we would be way better off.

Just an idea, Chromie where you at?


1/11 Mythic is easier than 11/11 Heroic too I mean…

11/11 heroic is easier than 2/11 mythic

My friend got it from the last raid of BFA. I still make fun of him for having no life.

Damn dude, you seem mad js

you can call mad but hes not wrong

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